
Why can't Tiger Woods just admit defeat?

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Why can't this guy just say "I got beat"?????

I think it's pretty lame he faked a limp when he knew he couldn't beat Trevor Immelman & now he has "surgery". PLEASE, man up Tiger, you got beat. You can't win them all, who do you think you are Tom Brady?

I'm gonna make Tiger Woods an excuse shirt but need some help. besides the "knee" & the "baby" what else can we add?




  1. WHATEVER!!!

    Tiger did admit it if you were watching on Sunday, which apparently you were not. The guy has had more than one surgery on that knee too so it's not a shocker he had surgery.

    You are wrong about saying he thinks he can win them all. Tiger knows he is human but it's the ESPN jockers and local sports media that suck his balls and call him God.

    And still after all that he finished second after playing horribly all weekend. So I would say yes, he did lose it in my opinion. Immelman played great wire to wire but it took a sloppy week from Tiger for him to hold on. The difference between Tiger and the rest is that Tiger has a bad week and he still finishes second, anyone else more than likely wouldn't. That's how good Tiger Woods is.

  2. How about 64 PGA tour wins including 13 majors. Tiger dominates golf waaay more than Brady does football.

    Besides, people don't fake surgeries. He is actually hurt. I dont know about you, but I saw him cringing during the Masters.

    The only reason Tiger lost to Immelman was missed putts. Immelman choked. He shot 75 for god-sakes!

  3. cause defeat can't admit him simply!!!

  4. agree...h**l its almost as bad as Peyton Manning throwing his whole O-line under the bus after that playoff loss in 05!  Truly revolting...LOL!

  5. My problem with Tiger is that he never gives credit where it's due.  You lost, he won.  He played better than you.  Period. It's as simple as that.  He should say so, congratulate the winner, and get ready for the next tournament.  Not stand there and whine and make excuses and boo hoo to the media.  Stand tall and say "He out played me, hat's off to him."

    You forgot camera shutter on your list of excuses.

  6. because he is the best and its a shock when he gets beat ny someone that isnt as good as him

  7. Simple, that hot wife of his rode him like a horse and caused the cartilage damage.

  8. hes to much of a winner to admit to a simple loss

  9. Holy moly...LOL...I don't even know what to say...

  10. well it takes lots of pride 2 say that......and he doesnt have it YET

  11. I guess this is going to polarize all things Tiger.  

    1 - The guy is a stud and decided to play in pain...

    2 - He flat out said "Yeah, I'm dissapointed, I didn't come here to get second" (That was about 5 minutes after walking off the 72nd hole.)

    3 - He obviously has an issue with this knee (this is the 2nd surgery on the same one)

    4 - As stated before, had he put just a few more puts in he would have won - AND still had the surgery.

    He had this one mapped out... play ~ 5 tourney, play The Masters... see how things held up.  As I was watching I thought something was wrong with his game.  Not happy that it is another injury.  I see his body breaking down as his true opponent.  We might not be seing Tiger in 5 - 8 years if this keeps up.

  12. You can obviously tell he hates losing did you see that Sunday Conversation with him on ESPN he wouldn't even answer a question right

  13. here....    give me an opponent, ill be happy when i win, and  ill cry when i lose

  14. All this about him playing bad Tiger did not play bad his caddy even said this was the best he ever hit it at the Masters.  Also all this about he just had made more putts that is should have could have you could say that about everyone!!!  What if Phil had shot 68 on saturday, what if  Trevor did not hit it the water on 16 he would have won by 5 all you guys that use would of and the should have excuse are sucking Tigers BALLS

  15. First, he's not making an excuse he still the best in the world, and two and most importantly,...................TOM BRADY GOT BEAT DOUCHE BAG! HAHAHA.......... go ahead and watch the game over and over on your spy cam Bill bellasecondplace, endings always the same, Eli hoist the trophy, cut to commercial. The G-Man and the T-Man ruleth all!

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