
Why can't a 19 year old get it up

by  |  earlier

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I was sleeping naked with my girlfriend last saturday. and when we woke up she wanted to have s*x.

But when I got on top I just couldn't get it hard even though she tried sucking me off.

Was I just sleepy? I didn't drink any alcohol the night before.




  1. get hard off of this ****.

  2. You are 19? Only two scenarios come into play. Either your girlfriend looks like d**k Cheney or you are g*y. Though not likely could be both.

  3. Are you stressed, exhausted? This might sound like a crazy question, but it's honest... are you still attracted to her? Having problems in your relationship?

  4. umm.. could be that your not turned on by her or you were just not enjoying it and need another partner

    every1 pls rate this girl:;...

  5. well did you go pee ? if you went it might be a little harder to get it up .

  6. if you are REALLY 19 yrs old, and want to know how to make sure that NEVER happens again, I can help you "fix" the problem

    aside from a "detailed" explanation .............

    don't stress about it ........."worrying" or "questioning your abilities" is a guaranteed way to cause it to happen again.....

  7. your boy still wanna sleep

  8. There are numerous reasons why could not get it up. Lots of stress can do it. For myself if i have had an especially S****y day at work i can have trouble getting it up until after i have had a nap and a good meal. I am 19 as well to and was worried about this as well but i have found that worrying about it will just make it worse. You cant be expected to enjoy s*x when your mind just is not into it

  9. did you have s*x before? if you did and you tried to have s*x too soon again than you wouldnt have been able to get it up

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