
Why can't a grocery store carry the same exact products at each one?

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I like 2 stores and they don't carry the same items so we end up driving to each store to get our favorite products. That means more driving when you are trying to save some money. What gets me upset is when you have to go to the second store for your favorite item and they are sold out of the product. I have spoken to the manager but it goes through one ear and out the other because I've seen nothing. Oh well.....that's life I guess.




  1. I guess it has a lot to do with what sorts of people shop at each location. Perhaps Location A has more senior citizens who frequent it, and Location B has more young 'uns more interested in hair gel than, say, toothpaste.  

    Also, not every store has the same amount of square footage available, so each location must carefully gauge what stock is necessary.

  2. I hear you Russell!   I have the same complaint.  I too have tried begging the manager of my local grocery store to stock certain items with no luck.   Like many of life's necessities these days, we are being held hostage because of the almighty profit.

  3. In any retail business every square foot of floor space must pay for itself.  If one or two customers seek a particular product it simply isn't enough demand to warrant dedicating space to that product.

    For example:  Gucci on Rodeo Drive probably doesn't stock a department with Chinese knockoffs of a cheap sneaker and your local Goodwill probably doesn't have 100 square feet dedicated to Gucci handbags.

    If the mountain will not come to Mohammad then Mohammad must go to the mountain.  It sounds like you are probably looking for specialty items.  If that's the case, you will have to go to the mountain.  

    One more thing, some items are proprietary.  Raley's will not be selling Safeway brand canned peaches and not many Ford dealerships sell new Cadillacs.

  4. hi russell . i have to go often to 3 stores here to get the items i use . i do often go to the other stores too , if there is a sale on thats worth the extra gas money . lol

    i find wal mart the worst for having the shelves stocked when they know its cheque time for seniors . it forces us to buy a higher cost item or go all around town for it .

    do you find that too ?

    take care .d.

  5. Because they are so afraid of having something left over and can't sell it.  It's a pain but I'm lucky I guess.  I live one block from one store and 5 blocks from a  Krogers. ?But it is a real pain.

  6. I used to think it was simply the old "supply & demand" concept, but I have noticed that once a product becomes "stable & readily available", the marketing & advertising agencies start playing SHELL Game with the products.  They WANT to see what you will buy when your regular products are no longer available.  I am one of those people who won't try a new product once I find one that is agreeable with my stomach & taste buds!  I won't buy almond & vanilla Heart Smart Cereal when I want Cinnamon Raisin.  So, I drive to another store & find the same thing...they are also sold out of it....why?

    MARKETING...that's why.  It's all done with a greater PLAN in mind.  These brainiacs are trying to force people into submission.  I won't be forced into buying a "similar product" or a different product.  I'll wait or I'll suffer & be just fine without it.  

    It reeks of the old controls of yesteryear when certain companies had complete control over what the stores & their wholesale & distribution centers could offer a region & price it according to the manufacturers standards, thus taking every last penny people have to spend on their food budgets.  It's a dangerous trend that needs to come to a halt.  Also known as PRICE a very shady "in the shadows" type of a way!

  7. Well its called life. You need a certain item that people want that no one else has

  8. I have run into the same problems myself.  I shop at Walmart and Food Lion.  Walmart is cheaper than Food Lion.  But its 10 miles further down the road.  Food Lion is just a mile away.  But trying to get something special at Food Lion is like talking to a  wall.

  9. I shop at several different stores for different items/deals. The only way to somewhat get around all the traveling, is to stock up on the items that you can, and plan your menus ahead of time. Shop at each store every other time to eliminate trips..

  10. inventory cost money -- now if you would ask the guy to order a full case and buy the entire case upon receipt he might order it -- but over the years he has learn to only stock items that the bulk of his customers want!!!

  11. But what if I don't like what you like and then neither store carries what I like. . . .

    Go to both stores and look for sales. . .and make it worth your time.

  12. Demographics and preferences!

  13. If you are speaking of two different names of stores (say one is called Alby's and another is called Janet's), then it is because they are offered different incentives by the producers of the products they sell in an effort to have them sell those products at their stores. What is offered one store isn't necessarily offered the other store, and since space is limited then the store will go with what they consider to be most profitable for them from the standpoint of the clientele they are likely to receive. If you are speaking of two different stores of the same name (both are something like Alby's), then it is because floor space is limited and they can't accommodate all of the items they have available to sell completely at both stores, so stock goes to one store which they feel will sell better there than at they other store.

    So if you are looking for Gem Gems at Alby's (all of these are made up names) and they don't sell them but Janet's does, then it is likely 1) the sales representative cut Janet's a better deal then was offered Alby's, 2) Janet's has people in that neighbourhood more likely to buy Gem Gems, and 3) Janet's has the available floor space to make it profitable to sell Gem Gems instead of something else. If instead you are looking for Gem Gems at one Alby's and they don't have them (or they carry have the black ones and you want the brown), but an Alby's 20 blocks away carries them (or carries the brown ones you want), then that is likely because Gem Gems (or the brown ones at least) sell better at the second Alby's and so floor space is made available for them there to take advantage of this fact.

  14. Grocery stores can't carry the same exact product because either they are unable to purchase the product to be in their store or the product will not sell in the store. I work for a company that has two grocery stores in the same town. We can sell one product at one store but not at the other and the stores are less than a mile away. Sounds weird but its the truth.

  15. I think they plot against us so we shop at all of them and give each one a little of our money!

  16. Some stores carry a lesser variety to keep their costs at a minimum and prices down.

    Having fewer products to purchase, track, price, and stock means lower administrative costs.

    You'll notice that some grocery stores have much greater variety than others. They also have higher prices.

  17. I can't agree with you more.  It is very tiring.  One store has the best fresh produce but the other does not. Another carries my favorite chips but the other doesn't.  I think if you can find a "super store" perhaps you can make a one-time trip.  But I feel your pain.

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