
Why can't a member of the Britsh Royal family marry a Catholic, and is this rule likely to change?

by Guest58395  |  earlier

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Why can't a member of the Britsh Royal family marry a Catholic, and is this rule likely to change?




  1. Actually, the Act of Settlement of 1701 did not prevent any royal member from marrying a Catholic, it only bans them from inheriting the throne. This Act may be changed in the near future due to religion discrimination, however, this is entirely up to the British Parliament, since the Queen has no power to make or change laws.

    Ever since King Henry VIII established his own Church of England, he strictly prohibit any of his "Catholic" descendants to inherit the throne. However, both Mary I and James II were "Catholics" that ruled over England for a short period of time, and there were huge religion conflicts between the Protestants and the Catholics.

    Finally, when Queen Anne took over the throne, the government established The Act of Settlement of 1701 (which was never done before), which is an Act of the Parliament of England to settle the succession to the English throne on the Electress Sophia of Hanover, a granddaughter of James I, and her Protestant heirs. It remains the main Act of Parliament governing the succession to the thrones of the United Kingdom and the other Commonwealth Realms, whether by deference to the Act as a British statute or as a patriated part of the particular Realm's constitution.

  2. Members of the Royal family can marry a catholic!! some onewho is Members of the Royal familye


  3. Prince Michael of Kent is Protestant while his wife Princess Michael is a Catholic.  He's just not eligible to the throne.

  4. The British Monarch is head of The Church of England, a sect formed by Henry VIII so he could be free to divorce Catherine of Aragon and marry Anne Boleyn.All ties with the Catholic Church were severed and pace in line of succession would be lost if the person married or became a Catholic. Perhaps Prince Charles will change things when he becomes King. He has said that he wants to be known as "Defender of the Faiths" not just "The Faith."

  5. Members of the Royal family can marry a catholic!!

    It is the heirs to the throne that cannot.  That is simply because the reigning monarch is the head of the Church of England.

    It may change in the future as Prince Charles has suggested that the monarch become the "Defender of the Faiths" and thus represent all religion not just one denomination of one religion!!

    Seems like a step in the right direction!!

  6. Members of the British Royal Family CAN marry catholics but they have to give up their claim to the throne as a Catholic cannot become Monarch.

    I did hear that they might change the ruling but its rather unlikely as the Monarch is Head of the Church of England which would be rather strange for a Catholic!

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