
Why can't a sound wave travel from like space to earth?

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Why can't a sound wave travel from like space to earth?




  1. Because the atmosphere

    does not allow to pass it

    and you need oxygen to talk

    and there is very little in space

  2. gravity

  3. sound waves have to be in an atmosphere of some kind to travel; space is a vacuum...

  4. sound waves can only travel through matter, whether that be air or the ground. Space is a vacuum so it is impossible for a sound wave to pass through.

  5. because in outer space there is no medium to transmit the sound. Sound requires some sort of medium to be transmitted weather it is a piece of string or air. Since there is no air in space sound can not exist in space.

  6. sound waves travel through vibrations in the particles in solids, liquids, and gases

    sound travels faster in solids because the solids particles are closer together and move sound faster

    space is a vaccum there is no matter

    if their is no matter then there is no vibrations

    as you can guess, no vibrations means no sound

    any idiots who say it is due to gravity or lack of oxygen are morons

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