
Why can't a woman dress s**y for herself without it being thought of as dressing that way for a man?

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Why can't a girl be free to dress anyway she wants without being called a s**t or being accused of fishing for attention from men?

It goes with the same old argument of if a girl is dressed a certain way then she's asking to be attacked or harassed... When we all know that that's bull because a woman does not deserve to be treated a certain way or harassed or attacked because of anything she's wearing.

Is this always going to be a shallow and narrow minded, sexist society where even women try and call anyone they deem a s**t or a w***e by that name while men who objectify women try and make justifications for it?




  1. for some men, the universe revolves around them - everyhting is seen in relation to how it serves them.

    i wear what i want to wear - be it s**y, conservative, bold or bohemian. it's my choice, my style.

    the side walk is not a cat walk.

    wear what you want and ignore the egomaniacs on here.

  2. 1) The men that do so that must be very self-centered thinking that all actions in the world are for them.  It is the opposite of being over-sensitive.  I think that is one of the marks of a sociopath.

    2)  Many women are guilty of calling other women s***s and whores, mostly from jealousy.  That kind of women on women abuse must end.  If we can't stand together we will never accomplish equality.

    3)  Some groups working against equal rights encourage fights between groups of women.  It is called "divide and conquer."  Do not fall for it!

  3. Why can't men go grocery shopping without being called g*y?

  4. Because it is for men.  Because women don't just do it for themselves; they do it to be seen and gain attention.  They may not be aware of the fact that they are doing it for those reasons, but that is why they do it.  Most of these women are whres and slts.  If you can't come to terms with the raw reality, then you're in denial.  You just want someone to tell you it's okay to be a slt.

  5. Amen. It's ridiculous that we cant wear something because we feel good in it. I am unporportional by nature [I eat nonstop junk food and would never dream of plastic surgury, but I still wear DD bra and 00 pants. its horrible] no matter what I wear, it looks like I'm trying to be S****y.. its just annoying.. sometimes its just plain HOT outside and I want to wear a halter top!! without being asked out! *sigh*

  6. Most women dress s**y for women or to be noticed.  If a man and woman are comming home from a party and discussing another woman's dress, a woman will comment on what she was wearing and the man on what she wasn't wearing.  Biology drives the equation in both cases: the woman doesn't want to be outdone and the man wants to procreate.   If you don't want the predictable bio/sociologic reactions, you must stay away from those who are biologically active - seek out eunuchs.

  7. Women need to dress in a way that reflects the mood that they are actually in.

    If only men could receive a huge amount of attention from women if we dressed a certain way. You don't know how good you've got it. You put on a s**y outfit and within an hour, bam! You've got members of the opposite s*x walking up to you.

    Your outfit does not warrant any inappropriate remarks or attacks from men, but just be conscientious about the way you are dressed. If you don't want attention or men staring at you, then wear something  that covers your shoulders, your bossum, and your legs. That's what I would do if I were in your predicament. In fact, if you knew as much about men as I do, you would cover up a lot more often then you already do. I would be horrified if the opposite was physically stronger than me and they thought about penetrating me constantly. I would definitely cover up whenever I went out in public.

  8. Possibly because these clothes in question have the effects of flaunting the areas of the body most sexually attractive to men. Question is, if you're not wishing to bait men, why wear something which over-emphasizes specifically all the parts of the body the male is privvy to? Seems contradictive to me.

  9. Because you the way you dress and act is seen by others. AND causes feelings and thoughts in others.

    It is really more about the VIEWERS opinions and weakness than the WEARERS.

  10. Well, I suppose if a woman dresses sexily (I assume you are talking about very revealing clothing) it is natural to assume that she is trying to attract the attention of men.  Why dress sexily otherwise?  Why not just dress comfortably?

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