
Why can't a woman run for president or VP in America without sexism rearing its ugly head? ?

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Since Palin was picked by McCain, I have read sexist comments about her like those that Hillary endured.




  1. The American political system is a "Good old boy's club" and in no way do they want a woman in there. Another thing is that it scares the oozy stuff out of them that a woman may be able to do a better job than they can, plus the point that with one such as Palin, with her "have no fear" attitude when it comes to cleaning out corruption from government, they fear that they will be caught.

    And I'm a man saying this!

  2. Well, there are those who are sexist. Those who are so alarmist about sexism that any negative comment is construed as sexism. Then there are those who like to control the conversation by using accusations to derail arguments. Honestly, I think sexism hurt hillary more than it will sarah palin because she isn't necessarily a "powerful woman" in the same sense that hillary is. Whenever I talk to people they always call Hillary names

  3. I think they picked Palin strictly for her looks, with no intention of letting her have any say in the administration.  I think she's intended to be window dressing from day one.  

    In other words, I think McCain's choice was based on sexism in the first place.  He probably thinks he has a shot at her too.

  4. Some can be forgiven for a bit of sexist banter for fear of disappearing up ones a**s if that's all they have to worry about.

    I mean if she's tough I'm sure she can take it hard and up there too. I bet they really love that kind of woman in there........ right in there!

  5. I believe that , if John McCain expects her to be just a decoration, he is in for a very hard lesson.  She is defintely not the type to settle for that.

    I personally saw no redeeming qualities in Hillary - but Sarah has a different story.

    Sexists are - quite simply - afraid that a woman can do the job far better than any man who has ever been in office before.

    Their egos can't risk it, no matter what their brains tell them.

  6. well technically she should be qualified before she does ? what do you think? I mean sexism aside, there's been lot's of lampooning going on, if she were a real candidate that might not be the case. But she's a beauty queen, hockey mom ... that is anti-choice and pro-oil.. Not to mention she voted for the bridge to nowhere ? Got her ex-brother-in-law fired,..covered for her daughters Child ??????

    sorry but I think it's the best possible choice.. from the democrats perspective, this woman is a political train wreck with legs...

    Thank you ...John McCain.

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