
Why can't america learn from brazil? in regards to energy conservation?

by Guest55924  |  earlier

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brazil!! is oil independent and uses suger! ethenol for produce energy ,and we are using corn aand not enough of it, t oreduce our dependence on the arABS! is it because the oil companies and! government special interests fear!! less profits for themselves? i personally think it is the greed of oil executives a nd govenment that stifles the potential potential for using suger ethonel like brazil and becoming more energy effecient! opinions? how can we change things before gas goes to 8 -9 dollars a gallon, like some predict in a few years?




  1. Because that would mean admitting they were in the wrong.

  2. Its not really fair to compare a nation with few autos, to one with the most.   Size is also a major issue, 3.79 million sq. miles as to 3.28 million sq miles

  3. Brazil has a climate that is good for growing all that sugar cane.  We cannot grow as much sugar cane as they do.

  4. Yes and no. It's nice that brazil makes its own fuel, but it burns food to do it. Not only are grocery prices up already, but there are people starving everywhere, and I don't think burning edible food is the complete answer. Anyway, I don't see how America can possible find the space, conditions and labor to plant enough crops to keep up with the ludicrous amount of fuel we use.

  5. And we all know that Brazil is on the verge of becoming a superpower.

    Mudbug: You are making a common mistake. When Europe needed someone to help get rid of the n***s they called on the only people in the world recognized as Americans.

    When the n***s were run out of Europe they ran to Brazil to hide. The two countries should not be confused with each other.

  6. It has been said that we should be straight in five years.

  7. Yea, let's slash and burn all of our forests, and drive hundreds of species of animals into extinction, in order to produce all of the ethanol that we can consume -- just like Brazil!

    Maybe if most of the people in America were too poor to afford a motor vehicle, just like the people in Brazil, then we would not need to import oil, either.

    Actually, it takes about 1.5 to 2 barrels of diesel to produce just one barrel of ethanol, so we would wind up importing more oil anyway.

  8. Isn't Brazil America???? South America????

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