
Why can't anyone see that Obama is not black?

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He is INTERRACIAL Having one black parent and one white parent, make one an interracial individual. Why is the media pegging him as a black man. Let's just keep it real people, that's all I'm saying.




  1. this goes back to the 17th century when in Jamestown VA a law was passed that all peoples with any color in their lineage were considered African. Race relations haven't come very far in the big picture!

  2. Years ago, it used to be that if a person had ONE DROP of black blood in him, he was black.  That's the way it was.

    Obama's skin is dark, so he looks black.  And so what?  That's real, too.

  3. Well, he looks more like black to me, but we worries about him too much.

    Obama seem not thinking that all the times.

    But ...... One drop then he is all black?

    If we were all one race in 60,000 years ago and how can we saying "One drop?"

  4. He is NOT interracial he is Interspecies! He was born of a Jackal.

  5. First, it is biracial not interracial. Like Barack Obama said His wife has the blood of both european and african people. She is biracial. Most african americans are.

  6. Hes the one that tell everyone hes black in fact he rarely says hes half white,Which is kinda stupid as he know he has the black vote he should focus on the white people who still haven't made up there minds

  7. Simple.  He looks black.  You're old enough to know about the one drop rule.  One drop of black blood makes you black.  The end.

  8. are we still on this???

    and if he never told anyone he was half white, no one would know........they would all assume that he was just black

    and it's not like people told him what he had to be..........he said what he is and what he considers himself...........TALK DONE!!!!!!

  9. does it matter if hes black, white or interracial?

  10. No, it doesn't matter if he's black, white, or interracial, but the reality is this country has long distanced themselves (whites) from any mixed breed, multi-racial, bi-racial, or mulatto children.  Some whites don't want to claim him (or others like him) and since there's no formal 'interracial' group, the black community is happy to accept him.

  11. oh..look at the time...

  12. everyone one calls mixed racers just as black. hes more black than white

  13. If he's half black, he's black. If you didn't already know he was "biracial," you would take him for a black man.

  14. - He himself calls himself black so what else is there to say really? We all know his history (they love to mention his mother is white in Yahoo News articles) but he made the choice

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