
Why can't black walnut be used as bedding?

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Almost anykind of wood shavings can be used for stall bedding except black walnut. Why don't people use that?




  1. Black walnut trees produce toxinx in their leaves and twigs during the phase when they are wilting.  While green or when dried the arsnic is chemically inert and harmless.

    Black walnut shaveings have been found to cause Laminitis in horses when they are fresh.  As little as 20% walnut mixed in to bedding can cause a reaction.

    However once seasoned for a month or so the risk is the same as with any other bedding.

  2. Black walnut shaving have been shown to cause laminitis in horses.  

    Laminitis is an inflammation of the sensitive laminae in the hoof that support the coffin bone.  Laminitis causes the laminae to necrose or die so therefore there is nothing to support the coffin bone.  Sometimes the coffin bone will even pierce through the sole of the hoof.

  3. as the previous posters said, even standing in this type of shavings can cause laminitis (aka founder). it is HIGHLY poisonous if ingested as well. stay well away from black walnut.

  4. People don't use it because it'll kill their horses.

    Even a few shavings in an otherwise okay bale will cause severe founder.   Just standing on it is all it takes, and it doesn't take long.

    Eating it...  Deadly.

  5. a few weeks ago someone wrote that their horse died after eating either a black walnut or around (some part of the tree) and the horse died. so i'm assuming it's b/c it could either hurt the horse(like the first answer said) or lead to the horse's death. that's my best educated guess why it's not used.

  6. It will cause laminitis in horses and causes severe pain and so forth.. I would say you need to google it..

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