
Why can't boys think about anything in relationship but s*x?

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because that's how my ex was, he don't even care how my day was or how i am feeling, and if i want eo talk or not, all he talk about is s*x even when i am work




  1. Angel Cake,

    Just to prove that we can think of something else, you posted your question in the Dining Out section.  So we can think of two things...s*x and food.

    Not all bad.

  2. maybe you are too good at it and he is blown awawy...give yourself a gold star

  3. because GOD only gave us enough blood to use one head and when we're around women we use the wrong one

  4. because their brain is located in the p***s. its hard for them.

  5. Clearly this reveals more about YOU than it does about men in general.  It is apparent that you were sexually involved with this guy before you two were married--therefore you used s*x as an attraction to win him over.  Therefore you cannot say that "boys" are always only thinking about s*x, all you can say is that the boys YOU attract are only interested in s*x.  I never was involved sexually with any girls prior to my marriage and I was NEVER preoccupied with s*x when dating.  I ALWAYS talked about what took place with my girlfriend's day or her family, job, school, friends, etc...  We NEVER talked about s*x because that was not a part of our pre-marital relationship.

    You will catch the fish according to what kind of bait you use.  If you offer s*x out there, you will attract the guys who are only interested in s******g you and then moving on to another easy conquest.  If you offer more substance and morality you will attract guys who seek more substance and more morality.

    So in answer to your question, "why can't boys think about anything in relationship but s*x?"  I suggest you get a mirror and look into it.  There is your answer.

  6. Because that's what we want.  We want s*x in the morning, lunch, dinner, and midnight snack.  Since before marriage or government, men wanted s*x to have children.  We died young as we went out hunting the Dinosour while the woman was cooking and making clothes.  We knew we would die young so we desired to have children at very young ages.  It's our nature to want to have s*x as soon as we get the ball sack.  

    We also prefer to have more experienced women in the sack.  So I suggest you get practicing up if you want to keep a man happy.  Go buy a few pornos and do what they do.

  7. because they are boys and not men

  8. The hormone testosterone makes them.  It's the way it is.

  9. ya i know how u feel! i think why they do it is cuz they want what they cant have and thats why once u do have s*x with em they normally dump u later on cuz they got what they wanted and they got bored

  10. In answering, I"d say its not just the boys but its the girls- and they are the pushy ones. Just lately on tv they had a psychatrist talking about it  (I had always felt this way) and it was brought out by this woman psychiatrist.  

    From an early age the girls are more pushy for relationships than boys are, often to escape home problems and for attention. I think it's more on the rare side that the boy is more pushy/aggressive.

  11. depends on age its only in a guys nature

  12. Because that's the way we're wired!

    How come girls can run around and do and think about everything BUT s*x? (Because that's the way you're wired!)

  13. hey itheir you use  it or uses you give it out  our pass it oput

  14. Girls can be the same too. My boyfriend gets upset if I talk about s*x too much, but I don't just want him for s*x - I love him very much! Usually it is just because of a very high s*x drive.

  15. Ever since women's lib, you are now our equals.  No need to treat you like queens anymore.

  16. What do you think your Mom was talking about when she told you "Boys will be Boys!"  Don't worry, when you get old enough & experienced enough, you Too will thoroughly enjoy s*x with the right partner & He will be mature enough to know when, where & how to make you respond to his stimuli in pretty much the same way, Trust me. You sound, right now, almost as if you still think s*x is Yucky or something!

  17. they're im-mature. short, sweet and to the point and so true.

  18. because they think it is the most inportant thing in a relationship and they just cant get enough!

    i often feel this way about my boyfriend and then i think 'how would i feel if he was hardly interested in s*x at all'

    its a tough one honey but thats the way they are (its a real pain sometimes eh?)

    Good luck and hope you find someone with the same s*x drive as yourself. x x

    Oh i have to add ' GOOD ON YOU ZERO R, MEN LIKE YOU ARE VERY RARE'  x

  19. Maybe that's all he was looking for, only b/c he was you bf doesn't mean he liked you that way. For all you know he might of had a few gf's GOOD job that he's an ex :)

  20. Typically 'boys' will only think about s*x in a relationship. Men will think of s*x and food. Older 'men' will think of other things or totally ignore their woman. The only men that are sensative about the things in your life are men that really love women for what they are, a whole person. or they are g*y. g*y men seem to be the only sensative ones. Besides, 'boys' have so many hormones in their systems that when they smell a girl around them they get stupid.

  21. Look at your question, you said "boys" , that should tell you the answer.

  22. Well the best thing to do is either drop the next guy that starts that, or don't have s*x with him, thats how it usually starts.

  23. Because they are full of lust

  24. I think that they always talk about s*x because it like a drug they get it once an they beg 4 it again so the best thing to do is wait

  25. be cuz that is all u have given him. that is all u r worth to him. whats wrong with u? Do u REALLY need to read this from a total stranger?

  26. That is so not true you are definately stereotyping all guys into one category and that isn't right.  There are some guys out there that are think of everything besides s*x or sexual activites.  When im with my girlfriend all i think about is cuddling with her or just being with her.  I know alotta guys like that, but yes there are some that do think about nothing but s*x which is kinda messed up but w/e its cause were a******s :P

  27. Get used to this answer. Guys are like that. We will never change. We love s*x more than anything in the world.

  28. Because nature made them that way! Their little head rules their big head!

  29. Because they make the mistake of talking to other men.

  30. Let's just be honest, if you are a guy you think about s*x a lot.  It's in our nature.  However, we aren't simply breading stock without the ability to make decisions and control our behavior.

    If you are a woman dating a guy and you feel like you're being used, then you have the wrong guy.  You don't have to settle for less ever.

    At the same time, keep in mind, what expectations are you setting up at the beginning of the relationship?  Is your ex, your ex boyfriend?  Was s*x an early part of your relationship?  If so then it is a big part of what your relationship is based on.  Relationships that start with physical atraction have a hard time growing into wonderful permanent relationships.  That's all I seemed to have before I met my wife.

    Finally, one day I quit dating entirely.  My wife and I became friends volunteering at church.  I found that I could talk to her about anything.  She took me seriously, and also didn't try get me to change.  She accepted me as I was, and liked me as I was.  That formed the basis of our relationship over a year, then three months of dating after that, and another six months of being engaged.  My wife and I are going on 15 years of happy marriage.    

    Frankly, I think about s*x all of the time.  My desire is for my wife.  This is flattering to her and she desires me as well.  The reason is that our relationship started on a foundation of faith, friendship, and shared values.  Our marriage is one of freindship, teamwork and enjoyment.  That makes our desire for each other even stronger.

    How about telling a guy that you are not going to have s*x until you are married.  Build a relationship based on personal and spiritual intimacy first.  If a guy will be willing to invest himself in you and become close to you with only the addition of holding hands and kissing, then he might really be in love with you and not just having the hots for your body.

    You are worth it.  

    My wife and I didn't get married until a number of our friends were already married.  I had a lot of loneliness.  My wife was worth the wait.

  31. Every time a boy asks just tell him no and laugh about it in front of his face..

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