
Why can't bullies see the horrible acts that they're doing?

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I'm a junior in high school and just 3 months ago, a new foreign kid who literally spoke zero english came to the school as a freshman. He became the subject of bullying just last month. At first it was some teasing and racial slurs. Then it turned bad for both the bullies and the kid when they attempted to extort money from him. When they threw him into a stall in the bathroom, the biggest, most arrogant bully reached for the kid's pocket I don't know what happened after that but the big one got a busted nose and the other got a hard kick in the "area where it hurts" a cut on his forehead and bruised ribs. The kid told me he knew a thing or two of ummmmmm I don't know what art he "knows a thing or two" about, but it starts with a "K", it's two words and it's like middle eastern or european. Kid was suspended for a few days cause of the fight. Big one recieved expulsion after all his victims spoke up since he didn't look so tough after the fight. HOLD ON, I'M WRITING MORE




  1. Bullies pick on those that they perceive as weaker, and it's bullsh!t. Most of them aren't that tough one-on-one. Call their bluff, and even if you have to fake it, act like they don't faze you one bit. I'm an adult, and I had a loon in my apartment house that thought he ran it, the other adults kissed his ***.

    He got in my face and expected me to back off, well, I didn't and told him to chill the f^>k out and walked away. His buddies laughed at him and he stopped talking to me.

    My point is bullies do what they do because no one puts them in their place immediately.

  2. Because it's not happening to them.

    Bullies are nothing more than under achievers who will amount to nothing. They think they are being cool but they will probably wind up just like the bullies I had to deal with.

    Destitute and pathetic.

  3. oh oh let me guess, is it kung fu? yippee!! I got it right didn't I?

  4. A lot of it has to with the morals we are taught at an early age, as our morals dictate our decisions in life and only change when we find a greater truth.

    We get our most basic morals from our parents and other influences as we grow up. We don't know much, if anything, about the world when we are young, so we ask them questions and assume their answers right because we don't know any different. That is usually how things such as racism and materialistic qualities are kept in existence.

    If the bully was influenced by his father or other influences in  "don't be a wuss" or "survival of the fittest" type teachings, then it will show in his character and decisions. There is also the possibility that his father was abusive or the bully feels like his father unfairly uses his authority as a parent against him, and thus may use bullying as a vent. He'll feel justified if someone else experiences what he does accordingly.

    Unfortunately, it is unlikely that a bully like him will learn from someone like you or I talking to him because to him, we are nobody important. Instead, it is something that he must either realize on his own through whatever process needed, or something that he has to learn from an influence.

  5. There's a lotta' different possibilities that lead to bullying..

    Sometimes kids are harassed as they're brought up, and think they need to prove and defend themselves that way.

    Sometimes people enjoy the feeling of power they get from mistreating others..

    There's no way to preemptively stop a bully, in my experience.

  6. Because they think they are cool and stuff. Since they pick on the weaker people, even though they don't know that the weaker people are strong. I may look weak, but i know a thing or two too. meaning, i know how to defend myself. =D

    The only way to show them that bully is bad is to have them experience it. Thats the only way, unless you can talk to them about it and get your butt beat up. I'll tell them to stop though because i know a thing or two about defending and talking.

  7. because they see it as good were as you see it as bad, its just a different viewpoint they wonder why you cant see it as good harmless fun. these guys almost certainly havent seen the error of their ways now their just annoyed that the schools busted them for having fun.

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