
Why can't citizens arrest the illegals? Should the citizenry be deputized to assist in rounding up them up?

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Are the illegals exempt from citizen arrest?

If you are allowed to shoot and kill a trespessor on your property, or in your house - why can't we as private citizens take action against the illegals for trespassing on our soil?

Why are the people not doing it as we speak? Is there some law against this that I am unaware of?

I would love to hear from the law enforcement community out there about why this would or would not be allowable.

I also want to know why law enforcement agencies are not deputizing at least the veterans of the armed services for assitance in rounding up these invaders to our country....

There are millions upon millions of citizens out here with military background, zero criminal records and proven productive patriots that would stand up and volunteer to help you guys out. We do understand that law enforcement is outnumbered - and thus could use extra help. Why is this resource not being used?




  1. Most Americans are now realizing Obama is an illegal too, as he has gone to Hawaii to "correct" his dubious birth certificate details. Arrest him.

  2. Speaking as a law enforcement person, I can't tell you how much I agree that it would make my job so much easier if everyone out there did my job for me. However, there are a few problems with this, such as untrained people deciding to take the law into their own hands and vigilantism. Aside from that, when illegals are arrested, even those who are wanted, an agency called ICE is contacted. They are the ones, ultimately, who decides who can be deported or detained. More often than not, they tell us to let them go. Its extremely frustrating for all of us.

  3. You may, in all fifty states, make a citizen's arrest for any crime.  You must however stay within legal limits and you could be subject to a lawsuit if you arrest someone who is not an illegal alien, use undue force, or violate another person's rights in arresting them.  Simply having being a military veteran does not constitute police training.

  4. I assume this is some kind of joke.  But if you want a true answer it is this:

    How would you as a citizen be able to verify other people's citizenship?  You don't have access to any of those records.

    Then there is the issue of people just placing random people under citizen's arrest having no probable cause or just reasoning.

    There is also the issue of citizen's arrest being misused or abused just because someone has a different skin color or ethnic background.

    Also there is the issue of housing, where do you suppose we keep all these alleged illegal immigrants while they await trial or await verification if all of them were to be arrested by citizens.

    I think there is enough controversy on this subject, if there were a definite way that would be altogether beneficial to this country it would have taken place already.  Get all your facts straight next time before proposing some solution, because obviously this one wasn't thought out very well.

  5. You can!

    In Arizona a man arrested a whole pick-up full about 2 years back.

    But under a citizens arrest you also face the liability of an illegal arrest.

    Since I own 9.5 acres of property I have done 2 citizens arrest over the past year.

    The police where only the transporting agency since I made the arrest.

    Check your local laws.

  6. People pay taxes so that the government can take care of law enforcement for them.

    People have lives and families, and don't want to put themselves in danger.

    Are you standing by the border waiting to arrest one?   Doubt it.  

  7. Because ordinary citizens aren't cops or feds. DURRR

  8. I have never been able to tell someone's immigration status just by looking at them.  BTW, you do not have the right to use deadly force to repell simple trespassing.  That is known as murder.  The real reason the citizenry is not used more is that they lack the training and discipline to do the job properly.  You, for instance, seem far to willing to use deadly force, as is right for someone trained in the military, but counter-productive for someone in law enforcement.

  9. I've never seen anything to suggest that illegal aliens are exempt from the "citizen's arrest".  However, if you are wrong you will probably be sued for illegally detaining that person among other things.

    Contact you local law enforcement agency to see what you must do to affect a citizen's arrest and have at it.  Good luck...

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