
Why can't cyclists ride on the sidewalk!?

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In my opinion I think it would be much much safer for cyclists to ride their bikes on sidewalks whenever possible. It's so dangerous for a cyclist to be riding on the shoulder on a curve or hill, I've seen a few accidents occur that were because of a cyclist on a narrow shoulder. What's the big deal with a bike on a sidewalk? It's a h**l-of-a-lot safer then riding in the road.




  1. This is one of those "pick your poison" issues. A bike is faster than a pedestrian, but more maneuverable and slower than a vehicle. On a sidewalk, peds are going every which way. To have cyclists in this mix would be a mess to say the least. So cyclists are religated to the streets to compete with motor vehicles and abide by the same rules. I don't know if this would apply to a unicyclist though.

  2. a bicycle is a consider a vehicle by state law which mean the cyclists

    must obey all law pertaining to vehicles (would you want   a  car driving on the sidewalk?) and drivers please remember a cyclist *is* a vehicle

    they have the same rights as you do

    note in some jurisdiction bicycle riding is illegal (IE Santa Monica for example) but other cities allow (Los Angeles (although there are 3 exception to this rule in LA (hollywood blvd, Riverside drive and ocean front walk) West Hollywood is now allowing (testing it out) a policy

    where you can ride the bike on the sidewalk

    also pedestrians do not expect  a bicycle to be coming at them

    they expect other pedestrians

  3. Let me understand your question.  

    You are asking why cyclist don't ride on a pedestrian walkway?

    Then is I am riding on said pedestrian walkway and hit a pedestrian, guess what the police will ask me?

    "Why were you riding on a pedestrian walkway and not on the road"?

    I will agree at times it is safer to be off the road.  I should feel safe while I ride my bicycle.  Sadly these days that is not the case.  Poor narrow roads with no shoulders.  Unskilled, inattentive, uncaring, inexperienced drivers are a real menace to other drivers and riders.  But us bicyclist and motorcyclist will get hurt the most when one of these drivers come along.

    With the price of gas at the levels we have seen, one would think drivers would slow down just a bit and be a little more careful.  Sadly from my point of view, that has not been the case.

  4. It completely depends on conditions and the skills of the rider.  I think its fine if ride very slow and if you walk when there are pedestrians; but for adults, its better to learn how to ride properly in traffic.  It sounds like you are talking about a situation where there might be some sight-distance problems, where a car can come up quickly on a bike without seeing it.  If that is the case, I'd use the sidewalk -- but remember, if its on a hill or corner and you are going fast, you likewise do not want to surprise a pedestrian.

  5. Sorry to break it to you, but you are DEAD WRONG!

    Bicycles are considered the same as any other motor vehicle in EVERY STATE, and have all the rights and responsibilities as any other car, truck, etc on nearly all roads except freeways.

    It is the RIGHT of ALL bicyclists to ride in the road, but they need to remember that proper signaling and communication is also necessary, such as lane changes and proper hand signals.

    If that upsets you, think of how I feel when I get stuck behind a slow car going down a mountain road on my bicycle.  I can easily take that corner at 40mph, but the yutz in front of me insists that 15 is the proper speed!

    As far as sidewalks are concerned, in many places it is illegal to ride a bicycle on the sidewalk due to pedestrian traffic. In fact, I did a little experiment while riding home from work one day: I rode on the sidewalk instead of in the street, and was almost hit FOUR TIMES within a two mile span because oncoming traffic NEVER LOOKS at the sidewalk, and I was turned in front of four times.  I feel far safer in the street, honestly.  I act like a car and follow the rules, I am visible and predictable, and I have NEVER been hit while doing so.

    Besides, when the gasoline is gone, bicyclists will rule the planet!

    Mwaaah haah haaah!

  6. I am not sure that riding on the sidewalk is all that much safer, especially depending on the circumstances. Anywhere the sidewalk crosses a cross-street the bicyclist would be even more vulnerable to cars turning into his path or pulling into the crosswalk, etc. Most drivers are too busy watching for road traffic to watch out for fast moving sidewalk traffic as well. The closest I ever came to hitting a cyclist was some dummy riding on the sidewalk going the wrong way.

  7. Have you ever tried to ride a bicycle on a sidewalk? There are so many uncomfortable and dangerous cracks, bumps and PEOPLE!!! Even if I yell, these pedestrians don't seem to hear me. And, whether the bicycle is ridden on the road or the sidewalk, the cyclist still must obey traffic laws. Maybe you should just be more alert and careful when driving, so to avoid any accidents

  8. I have always felt the same as you. why do we expect a 10 year old kid to know the rules of the road. look at most sidewalks and they are nearly empty;

  9. It is dangerous for the people walking.

    side"WALK"...not side"RIDE"

  10. Sidewalks are for people, have you forgotten that....

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