
Why can't drivers be nicer to cyclists?

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I've had so many people drive past me at full speed, barely giving me any room on the road, which I have a right to. Some people honk at me, people are plain rude. If you go by "might vs. right," I'm surprised you even know how to use a computer to be answering this question!




  1. I admit I often get frustrated with cyclists on the road.  There is a windy road in my area with a speed limit of 55 m.p.h. where cyclist like to ride.  I believe it's dangerous for both the bikers and the people in cars . . . when you come around a bend going 55 and have to slam on your brakes because there is a cyclist in the middle of the lane going 20 it's unsafe!  

    I have no problem with cyclists riding in bike lanes and on city streets where they can easily keep up with the speed limit.  It's true everyone has a right to the road, but I'm a strong believer that if you're not in a vehicle that can go the speed limit, then you should be courteous enough to pull off to the side of the road and let others pass you.  Other "slower" vehicles include horses, tractors, and construction equipment.

  2. its because a lot of people assume a bicyclist has to riding in the bike lane this is wrong, a bicycle is another a vehicle

    and has the same rights and rules of the road

    (meaning the cyclists too has to obey red lights and stop signs

    they can share the lane -just remember to say its just a vehicle

    (same as you would for another vehicle)

    and yes tehy can take any lane they want

  3. The average car is bigger and heavier than a bicycle so drivers sometimes feel superior to cyclists. Some cyclists go too far by ignoring the fact that some roads are dangerous for cycling because of the speed limit.

  4. I myself don't mind bicyclists on the road, but some of them go too far. For example, ones who aren't in the bike lane, or ride in the middle of the street, get no respect from me. I think it's a problem on both sides, however, because many drivers, as you said, flat out ignore them. I always give them half the lane if I can, and if I can't I at least slow down to roughly half of my speed. Unfortunately, there's never going to be a time when everyone shares the road equally, so make the best of what you've got.

  5. I have had that experience too. I think it's because we seem so small as compared to other vehicles. I noticed when I drive my car that I tend to take cyclists for granted. But not internally. In this case, bigger is better. The bigger the vehicle, the more you notice it.

  6. In Illinois, and I'm sure some other states, motorcycles have to have their lights on whenever they ride.   The theory is that it makes them more visible, even during the day.  The same idea works for human powered cycles.

    I've noticed that car drivers are more aware/considerate of my bicycle when I have my LED marker lights on.

    LEDs are bright, and easy on batteries.  Mine are oval with three LEDs;  White/Clear handlebars and red on the back carrier.  The two AA batteries last a long time.

    Make yourself more visible.   You may be surprised.

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