Most of the world is having fiat money which is a far cry from the gold-standard. The govts. worldwide have facilities and technology to print more notes and coins (currency). So, why don't they give some financial-education and some money to poor people so that invest it wisely or start a business or utilize that money to create wealth to get rich?
If you say this won't work, it clearly implies that this system of capitalism can never work to make everyone rich and to remove poverty from society. Then, why are we following this system at all? Though I'm in US but I'm talking of affairs outside US, in third-world as well as developing countries.
Why can't the govt. give education to all if it can remove world-poverty? An estimated $30b only are needed for global literacy and education whereas more that $1 Trillion have been spent on wars and on buying billions in weapons in the name of public-security. Why? Is this the proper utilization of public funds? Why do we need such govts?