
Why can't feminists persuade men to do housework?

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  1. But we can. Our own husbands and boyfriends do their share.

  2. Men already have household tasks that must be performed. Taking out the garbage, repairing and maintaining cars, house repairs, lawn care, etc. Men shouldn't have to do that plus cook and clean.

  3. Who says we can't?

  4. Because real men can't be persuaded to do anything, we do what we want!

  5. i don't need to persuade my partner, he does it anyway :-)

  6. What does that have to do with feminism?  Are men who are involved with women of a conservative, traditionalist mindset more easily convinced to pick up a mop and broom?  Ridiculous.

    As a feminist, I married an intelligent man who enjoys taking care of our home and creating an orderly, stimulating environment for our son.

    My husband does plenty of work around the house- no persuading necessary.

    Edit- At the moment (because I have a broken arm) my husband is doing everything we don't hire someone for.

    He generally folds the laundry and does the dishes.

  7. Because feminists are abrasive and rude. Now a man who RESPECTS his wife WILL help because he loves her, not because she badgered him too.

  8. Most men realize that if they contribute to the mess then they need to help with the housework

    --If he's taking care of the outside property then the work is pretty much divided evenly .

    --Try switching duties for a while and see how much work is involved

    --But don't be surprised  if all the laundry comes out the same color  though

  9. Let me think... If the cooking, cleaning, and laundry were done by the husband and wife (together), then they might realize they have nothing in common to talk about. Marriage is kaput if men help women with the chores. Simply, wife comes home does the cleaning, cooking, and laundry, helps the kids with the homework, and it is time for bed cause she has to get up early to go to work. So, to prevent a even higher divorce rate, men should watch tv while their wives do the chores. Problem solved.

  10. I don't expect my boyfriend to do any housework. But he does them anyway.

  11. Because they refuse to marry men of lower status and especially lower income. Mens willingness to marry down is the reason women are more likely to do the chores. WHo stays home the 100k check or the 50k check ?

  12.'s very simple

    your working 40 hours a week

    your wife is working 40 hours a week

    you both get home, your both needs cleaning, got to cook dinner, and help the kids with homework.

    You want a happy relationship and s*x any time HELP!

  13. I think it is because men are still holding their ground on this one. Good!

  14. My husband insists on controlling the Dyson- it's like his power tool. According to him, I also don't know how to load the dishwasher the right way, so he gets to do that- I empty it. We split the laundry- his and mine of course. Other than that, we have housekeepers to do the rest.

  15. why cant men persaude feminists to be traditional?

  16. Because men are not the ones who wanted to "take away gender roles".

    Since we never WANTED "female duties" why should we start doing them just because women want to do "male duties"?

    Feminists won the battle but lost the war.

    EDIT: "Professo" What makes YOU the authority on what "Real men" do exactly? Are you a dictionary?

  17. Real men do their share or pay for it to be done.

    EDIT  I wonder what does 'happily married' mean?

  18. Maybe you're just too self centered and immature.

  19. I love my wife.  I do whatever is needed around the house because I like to keep her happy.  No big deal.

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