
Why can't food be kept as long as electrical appliances?

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I want to know why food can not be kept as long as electronic gadgets because we have the ability to make our own resources such as cars and other machines and they all kept long why can food not be then kept long as the days of the cars and machines in which it spence on earth so that there wouldn't be anything like shortage of food.




  1. Food spoils, electronic equipment doesn't.  It's because bacteria have evolved over billions of years to eat other living things, but not metal coils or semiconductors.  Not that they could, anyway.  There's not enough stored chemical energy in silicon to feed any bacteria.

  2. Food can be kept for decades

    eg food dumps in the antartic, tin cans from Napoleonic period, grains in sealled jars from the iron age.

    The shortage of food is not because of the storage properties. It is because we need to constantly eat it that it needs to be constantly replaced.

    The main reason for shortages today is because of the trading system and the ability to buy the food (poverty). eg in the irish potatoe famine food was still being exported from Ireland.

    there are lots of other factors too, intensive agriculture, irrigation failure, golf courses...,  but these can be easily solved as evidenced by the fact that repeated famines in demoracratic countries are unknown because the politicians who let their people starve don't get re-elected. Note poor countries are also usually the least democratic

    As we move to an era of bio-fuels the rich will pay to run their gas guzzlers & the poor will starve; this is already being seen in mexico where the price of staple corn has rocketed due to it's use as bio-fuel.

  3. Because food rots, whereas plastic and metal don't.

  4. Electrical appliances are made out of metal and plastics. Food is made out of organic produce, and although we can ad chemicals etc to food to make it taste better and last longer, it is still organic produce and is vulnerable to bacteria to grow on the food, which makes it unsafe to eat.

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