
Why can't hispanics and african americans keep their neighborhoods clean and safe?

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When you visit a NYC neighborhood that is mostly hispanics and african americans, what do you see or smell?




  1. Because then they can blame everyone else for the ratty neighborhood they live in.  It's not their fault that they threw their own trash into the streets, according to them.  

  2. Not many racist ***** like yourself, fortunately.

    Beats the h**l out of the white trash in your neck of the woods.

  3. LOL at Martina!

    That is generally not TRUE!

    I am black and there is a whole bunch of hispancs that live in my neighbor hood. Where i live it is CLEAN, probably CLEANER than were you live. IF you are so worried about the hispanic/black people then why don't you come clean the neighborhood up for them.

  4. Shut UP!!  Why does red necks live in trailer parks and why is at least one of them named BUBBA?

    Stop being a racist B****!

  5. Why would you ask a question about people that wont give a truthfull answer.Allot of the time the hood is trashy but if you walk into there house it will probably be clean because the older generation is not that way.

  6. legit question, for the same reason a mother cant keep the house clean when there is only one of her and 10 others making the mess, or one roommate cleaning and 5 others not cleaning.

  7. Your just sad!!! Did you know in places like manhattan it is mostly american people live there it is just as dirty as any part of the city. OH and in washington heights white people live there too so don't come up in here tryna say basically that african americans and hispanics are dirty people that don't care about where they live. And don't come saying its our fault that streets aren't safe, there are just as many american drug dealers murders and rapist as any other ethnicity.  So you need to clean up on your facts and stop being such a racist dummy!!!!!

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