
Why can't i change my avatar...?

by  |  earlier

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to the avatar that is actually in my 360??? i change it there, but it's not the same one that is here!

(does that make sense??)




  1. the avatar is nice

  2. They have difficulties from time to time and I have seen this question frequently over the last couple of days, so I guess there are Gremlins in the system once again.

    Keep trying.

  3. I have the same problem, as you can see I have no avatar. It's been going on for two days.

    There seems to be a glitch and Yahoo is working on it, I hope they fix it soon :]

  4. IDK mine won't even SHOW UP AT ALL.

    I just made a 360 page yesterday and its acting like I never made one.

    WTF is going on???

  5. I'm having the same problem to! I just tryed to change to my new picture several times, but it won't change, it's still stuck on the first one. :(

    Maybe yahoo is just being slow and we just have to wait a while....

    I like your avatar now though, it's pretty! ^^

  6. I am a computer r****d, I don't know how to do it.

  7. have you tried changing it in your answers profile....LOL I'm sure you have, but that is the only guess I even have ;) I'm really lame when it comes to computers and such....

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