
Why can't i do a proper dolphin kick?

by  |  earlier

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so i know that i have to use the energy from my hips down. but i was taught to raise my lower legs by 45 degrees and then pushing it down quickly into the water while your butt comes out. i got the first 2 steps but i can't lift my butt out and i don't understand why i can't do a dolphin kick naturally. =( my instructor told me that my hip is stiff. so what can i do about this?




  1. dont just use your hips and legs..use your upper body too

    try using your chest.. if you push your chest down toward the bottom of the pool you butt will come up more...sort of like doing "the worm" bacward.

  2. Bend at the hips and press down on the chest. and don't bend your legs, they should be straight. try spreading your arms out when you press..

  3. use your hips and work on your abs they are vital

  4. i agree with (heart) there. Also start the kick from your abs. and almost totally relax your legs and hips till the last second to get the push you need. if your going it right your thighs and abs will be burning up a storm.

  5. To do a proper dolphin kick try standing on land.  Your hands and feet do the same thing.  There are 2 positions. Head and feet are up, and head and feet are down.  You are not bending enough.  When head and feet are down your hands should be able to be inches away from your feet, you are bending over 90 degrees, when you change and head and feet are up arch your back, and the legs should be 45 degrees.  Try this in front of a mirror.  Also it helps to do it on your back in the water, and sides too.

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