
Why can't i ever feel happy anymore?

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i am what my doctor likes to tell me is 'bipolar'. they put my on anti depressants. i took them for a long time. they made my life even worse. so i stopped. i did alot of research on things that are more natural that could maybe help me feel normal. i tried everything from herbal supplements to excersize, reading, therapy, everything... im 23 now and its getting worse and worse every year. its been months since ive gone through a 'happy period'. i dont know what to do anymore. nothing seems worth doing...i would rather just stay in bed...i hate this. what can i do? is there anything else out there? i really believe people have a power over their mind, but its like i just cant get myself to be positive no matter how hard i try...




  1. medicine isn't always the best answer.  try doing things that you would normally not do.  go volunteer at a hospital where you'd be exposed to people.  find some friends and hang out at different places on a weekly basis.  get a puppy or a pet that you can take care of.  you're still young.  be happy and enjoy life!  

  2. you have to push yourself to do the things in life that you want to do. take steps in order to do that . not big steps but ones that will elad into the right ones

  3. im really sorry for how you feel.

    try listening to music or excersising. those give you endorphins which make you happy.

  4. Do you know Jesus?  If you know the Lord, you have no reason to be unhappy.

  5. The simple answer is...because you are either being mis-diagnosed or have not yet found the right treatment.  Both can be very difficult experiences because there is no "black and white" situation or solution here (i.e. "you have an infection, take this antibiotic pill that science has tested and proven will make it go away").  Unfortunately, what works for one person may not for the other, and two people can have the same "disorder" and have completely different sets of symptoms.

    The big answer need to talk to somebody (friend, family, heck even myself this is my first "Answer" to anybody but I'm sure the site gives you a way to contact people) first to get the strength to get back on the path of finding what you have and what you need to fix it.  Then you begin seeking the advice of professionals.

    The really long answer is...You've said you've done research on "natural remedies"...have you ever researched symptoms?  Have you gone through a checklist of what symptoms are typically associated with having Bipolar Disorder (aka Manic Depression)?  Are YOU sold on the fact that you're Bipolar?

    I'm a little confused on the diagnosis of being Bipolar and being put on anti-depressants.  As I understand it, the typical treatments for BD are drugs like Lithium or Depakote.  They treat a chemical imbalance and are not intended as anti-depressants.

    The bad news is...this is not something you can go alone on.  You need help, friends, family, professionals, etc.

    The great news is...there's tons and tons of people, resources, knowledge, scientific study, etc. available so you don't have to go this road alone.

    Do you have a disorder causing this, or are you suffering from a bad experience which put you on this path? (i.e. parents' divorce, breakup with a significant other, loss of a loved one, money problems, etc.)  Did this suddenly come out of nowhere, or did you have experiences which cause you to feel this way?

    If you can correlate a lot of how you feel to experiences you've had, perhaps you need to speak to a therapist about working through those feelings.

    Generally when dealing with Bipolar Disorder, you have two professionals at the same time...a psychiatrist who focuses more on the science of things and can prescribe medications, and a therapist that you can talk these things through with and get suggestions on personally resolving them, support groups, books, etc.

    Unfortunately, just because you tried something once doesn't mean that's the only option you have.  If you go to a therapist and don't like him or her, don't start looking down on therapy...go find a therapist you like.  If one medication doesn't work, don't look down on medication...keep working with a professional to find one (and a proper dosage) that works.

    In the end, you need to demand that you get better.  You need to demand it of yourself, your loved ones, and the professionals to you interact with.  Getting better has to be your #1 goal and you can never let yourself waver from it.  You have to muster up whatever bit of passion you currently have left and pour it into that.

    P.S.  As a side note, I would stay away from "natural supplements".  Just because something is natural, doesn't mean it's better.  They are not regulated by the FDA, they do not go through the millions (or sometimes billions) of dollars it takes to have medications designed, tested, created in the proper environment (sterile, safe, etc.), rigorously tested, etc. etc. etc.  People boo-hoo "medication" too much nowadays in the media like it's some great evil.  Yet, nobody complains about Penicillin or Aspirin, do they?

  6. D you have a certain Religion?

    Some people feel comfortable with that.

    Maybe Your just Lonely

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