i go through periods where i have no up or down emotions...just always monotone...right in the middle...i can pretend to be ecstatic,or pretend to be sad..but i don't really feel it..you know what i mean? i can look at my girls doing something really cute and i know that as a mother i should be going "awwwww" but i'm really kind of indifferent (i love my kids,and i'm not a bad mom).seriously though there are times when i know i should be happy or i should be sad but i'm not...just indifferent...this isn't an all the time thing though...sometimes i can feel..is it because i don't slow down enough to FEEL the emotion,do i take such a stoic stance on life that i can't feel(i can't make myself happy or sad either already tried it)or do i have some kind of disorder or chemical imbalance?