
Why can't i get contacts in!?

by  |  earlier

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any one got any tips on getting contacts in, i sit and try and try for hours at the eye doctors! but they wont go in! i blink right b4 it grabs to my eye! anyone got any ideas what to do so i dont blink? they tell me i have my eyes opened more than wide enough! i got coach glasses too but i dont wanna have to wear them all the time in the summer and c**p, cause my eyes got worse! HELP!




  1. "I blink right b4 it grabs my eye!"

    Most times, the effect of the reflex blink is due to the upper eyelid (Upper eyelid is stronger than the lower lid becos of the Superior Palpebral Muscle).

    Suggestion: Pull up your upper lid and press it tight against the bone of the eyebrow. You will need to "lock: the upper eyelid in such a way that you are unable to blink.

    This methods works well for my patients. Hope it will work for you

  2. yeah it's really hard the first time. it helps to go to youtube to watch others put their contacts in. or have your mom or parent do it for you (tats how i got mine in) or you can...

    1) take your middle finger (left hand) and pull your upper eyelid up./

    2) take the middle finger of your right hand, and pull at the lower eyelid until you see a bit of the red skin. your eyeball should be completely round now.

    3) take the contact and place it right side up on your index finger. (make sure it's straight up and forms a bowl shape)

    4)place the contact into your eye. the curve of the eye should match into the curve of the contact.

    5) hold your eyelids so they don't blink

    6) when you place it into your eye, make sure it connects fully into the eye and that it stuck to your eye.

    7) hold for couple of seconds

  3. yep, its tough for the first few times....but after a few days u'll get used to it dont worry!!

    Heres a step by step process:

    1. Place the lens, cup side up, on your forefinger. Be sure the lens is right side out—the lens’ edge will appear almost straight up. If the lens is inside out, the edges will bow out slightly. If the lens is inside out, reverse it before proceeding.

    2. Insert: Hold your upper eyelid or lashes to hinder blinking.

    Pull your bottom eyelid down using your middle finger

    Look up at the ceiling so that the white part of your eye shows and position the lens onto the white part

    Or, you can look forward at the lens and gently situate it in the center of your eye.

    Remove your finger and let the bottom eye lid go before the top.

    3. Look down to position the lens. Close your eye for a moment.

    4. Apply one to two eye drops (lens lubricant) if your lenses feel dry or vision blurs.

    You could see this website for a video that shows how to insert lens and other tips on lens care:

  4. Ok this is what i do:

    start with the right eye

    1. look straight ahead into the mirror and hold the upper lid eyelashes firmly against the brow with the first finger of your left hand.

    2. Using the middle finger of the right hand, pull the lower lid down.

    3. Watching in the mirror with your left eye (or right if inserting contact into left eye) bring the lens towards your eye.

    4. Place the lense gently over the iris, so that all the edges of the lens are in contact with the eye.

    5. Blink gently a couple of times to establish good vision.

    6. When you are sure that the lens is properly in place, repeat the procedure for your left eye.

    Dont worry it took me a long time to put them in, just make sure you hold your eyes apart hard enough so that you are unable to blink.


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