
Why can't i have the perfect life?

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its not alot to ask i just wanna work on my car ,get a girlfriend, go to church, start going to the gym, hang out with my friends and have a nice clean house,go to work happy not all sad and angry......why cant i do this????




  1. Can you name somebody who does have it? Ok bud what you need to do is find your rhythm. To achieve rhythm you must balance the thing in your life. You should read mathew Kelly's rhythm of life it would help. Stay strong and while your at church pray to God for his vision of what your life should be. He is the one who can tell you how to live the life that was meant for you to live.

  2. count your blessings

    God never said life would be fair  

  3. You can't have a perfect life coz it's impossible and if you'll have that kind of life it'll be hard.

    Life is the best when it's imperfect.

    You'll realize a lot of stuffs.

    You'll feel a lot of things only imperfect people can feel.

  4. You already DO have the perfect life, you're just looking at it from the wrong perspective. And, most likely, from a westerner's philosophy in that those things you mentioned in your list, in some way, you let define your happiness or unhappiness...

    For instance, if you were to do some volunteering, saaaay at a leukemia ward for pediatrics and you sit and mentor and joke with some of the kids on that level, almost guaranteed the moment you leave that hospital, after your first day of trying it, you would look at your life in a completely different life and you would begin to appreciate the parts of your life you've probably neglected  and taken for granted up until that point...maybe like you don't have to take chemotherapy and vomit even if you drink water and have such a weak immune system you have to protect yourself the most common of ailments...or, that you're just lucky/blessed/perfect enough to wake up that next morning not having a child of your own in that same situation...again, perspectives.

    Using your definition, what is stopping you from "starting to go to the gym"? More than likely...yourself. What is stopping you from working on your car? getting that girl? maybe finding that right girl at church, or the that also desires clean houses and can HELP you become happier, but all those things won't MAKE you "happy", you choose to be happy given whatever chapter you find yourself in in your choose how to react to life's curveballs as well as it's easier pitches...

    So, I encourage you to begin looking at your life as if it was already perfect, if merely by design that you have a LIFE...then, all those other "things" might not seem as a definer for happiness.



  5. nobody has the perfect life....

  6. a perfect life?? What is a perfect life??

    A perfect human?? You can't be perfect and be human...

  7. You are not God, not yet in any case.


  8. go on a vacation for a week then start all over with your life

  9. no reason you shouldn't be able to do it. clean up after yourself, go to the gym a few nights a week, the other nights work on your car, and church on sunday... a gf will come in time. surround yourself with positive people, get your friends to help with your car or something. you can do it just try to stay postitive about it!

  10. already your question has an imperfection.

  11. Just being able to have a good life is hard enough but a perfect life. Its near impossible. This is because there are so many things going against you. And so many things you can't control. Also most people do not know what they really want until it is already too late.

  12. Because life is about smart choices and dumb luck.  

  13. It's strange, but if you dwell on what you DO NOT have, you will be unhappy. Think of all you DO have, because time does not stop. All of a sudden, while you're still thinking of what you don't have, what you do have will leave you, and you will really regret having not appreciated them.

  14. That's how life is. It's prone to good and bad times we all have to go through these and grow with them.

  15. Perfection is.........illogical, it all looks good on paper, and mathematicaly perfection is possible, but it just doesn't work in real life. The barrier isn't you're circumstanses. Its you, and i am not blaming you its just that once you acheive what you believe to be perfection it isnt perfection anymore. that is actually a normal part of being human, without that drive for more, without that desire for just a little more pay, a little more beutiful a wife, a little nicer and more freands, that makes us human. Without it we would never have gotten where we are.

    And to help you along to being happier... try to do what you like to do, take solace in the things that brighten youre day, and dont let the things that darken it turn it to night.

    I have already found the girl of my dreams, but she just doesnt feel like a relationship would work. I dont let it get me down, i let every seacond that she talks to me be a happy one.

  16. Bc..Lifes no perfect..I wish it was though..

    All I want is a guy who really cares about me..And i can't even get


    All you can do is not lt things bother you.

    Put on a smile and cheer up!

  17. Life is not perfect. It takes work.. With the attitude you're showing right now, you're never gonna get a girlfriend or have a nice, clean house or be happy even... It's called appreciating what you have and using it to it's fullest potential. At least you're alive and able to experience thought.. At least you can feel some emotion.. Don't take anything for granted.. Maybe you're lucky you don't have a girlfriend.. she might drive you crazy.. And maybe you don't need to work on your car, you might s***w something up.. At least you have a car and a home. Be thankful for what you have and you will be blessed.

  18. Well, you can start by working on your car.

  19. No human can have a perfect life.

    But, set goals and priorities, trying not to do everything at once.  Spend time with people who support you.  Reflect.  You will do fine.

  20. probably because you can't afford the perfect life. it's all about money man.

  21. It's called 'Maslow's Pyramid' (dont know if i spelled the dude's name right...). Just Google it.

  22. because your expecting it to fall in your lap without doing anything ITS YOUR LIFE DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT

  23. Because your not trying.

  24. No one has a perfect life. Just pray is all I can say, and do the best you possibly can. And take all opportunities!

  25. Because you spend your time asking why you can't instead of trying to obtain what you want.

  26. there's only so much time in a day and you don't have the emotional, physical and mental capacity to do that without losing out on the other things in life.

  27. because, you can't be happy with what you have now and if you can't do that, you'll never be a happy person.  

  28. you are focusing on what you think is imperfect in your life. try thinking of something that is right in your life. try not focusing on yourself and focus on something else. dwelling and rolling around in your negativity is making it worse. you are being self centered.....

    or you need an antidepressant.  

  29. Take your time, do it slowly. But nobody has a perfect life & are happy all the time.

  30. nobodys perfect.

    you can do all this.

    house; all you have to do

    is start cleaning up.

    listen to music while doing

    this it makes it funner :P

    gym; you can always do this

    just apply and that will be suceeded!

    car; on weekends that ur not busy start!

    girlfriend; it takes time, just dont

    pick anyone just to have a girlfriend

    wait till the right girl comes along!

    love waits!

    friends; call them! dont be shy! make plans!

    nobodys life is perfect but it can be good!

    good luck!

    hope this helps :)

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