
Why can't i rule the world by beating everybody.?

by  |  earlier

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I just want to beat people and deprive them of an education.




  1. That  works  for  me....I'm  thick  in  any  case

  2. Don't worry, the rest of the world is doing a fine job of under-educating people without your help...

  3. You could always apply for dictatorship of some third world nation...

  4. Your mother failed you!

  5. Is that Mugabe, Obama or Gordon in that house, or all 3??

    I have just had a terrible thought, Imagine a human being/mutant that was the 3 of them combined, like a 6-armed dictator!!  :O :O :O :O :O

  6. Is that you gordon?

  7. who said this????? obama?  lol

  8. Is this the b*****d love child of Mugabe and Gordon brown speaking? or am I seeing things?

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