
Why can't i stop thinking about it?

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I want to know if im pregnant & its all i can think about i can't take a test till about a weeks time!! I had s*x twice 3rd&5th day from ovulation i'm feeling abit tired & sometimes have sore b*****s! So im feeling like im not but want to be sooo bad it's driving me made! Why is this all i can think about?




  1. because ur brudy luv, but you need to discuss it with your partner if they want to have a baby. because u cant bring a child into the world if he dosent want it. and i would take a pregnancy test now cos u never know. and if u still cant concive then i suggest u and ur partner both go to your gp n get checked out

    good luk hun xx

  2. Because you want it so bad. I'm in the same boat. I don't want to think I am but Its the only thing on my mind. I'm supposed to get my period on the 8th so i wont know till then so I'm dying! Good luck to you and be blessed!

  3. since you want it so bad your body is making all those things happen because ur brain  is thinking it. im in the same boat ive had 4 neg. test but i still feel crappy

  4. Cus you want it so bad ,i no how you feel its driving me mad to all i do is think could i be this month, then i get mad and emotional when i come on. people tell me to relax it will happen, ah if i hear that 1 more time! so chin up and good luck hun your not on your own.

  5. Ahhh huni I know exactly how your feeling! Its torture.

    I got BFP 2 weeks ago... then found out it was a chemical pregnancy so now Ive got to wait for my period to come back! So atleast you only have a week :)

    and my best friend is pregnant, we both started trying at the same time. Since then Ive had two chemical pregnancies!

    But I know how u feel honestly. Its awful isnt it. Id say try not to think about it but if you are anything like me - you just cant!

    Good luck to you hope u get that BFP!! xx

  6. you do know you can get tests that will tell you like right away near enough go into a chemist to moz n ask for one  

  7. because you want it so bad i was like that when we first started trying and it didnt happen so we said theres no point worrying it wil happen when the time is right and that worked  was pregnant within the 3rd month of trying

  8. if you want it that bad then of course your going to be anxious about it you can get a 1st response test that will tell you i think its 6 days before your period is due! just make sure that if your not pregnant fingers crossed for you though that you don't get too despondent about it make sure your baby dancing around your ovulation time at least every other day for 4 days i would say just to make sure and when the deed is done lay there with your hips raised for 20 Min's or so to help the little swimmers get to where they got to go good luck i hope you are!

  9. I am doing the exact same thing.  The only time I'm not thinking about it is when I'm busy at work.  It's hard to distract my mind!  But, at least now some good TV shows are starting again so maybe they can distract you for a bit :)  

    I am tempted to get one of the pregnancy tests that can detect a positive 5-6 days earlier, but then if it comes back positive or negative I would still want to do another one like a week later.  

    Best of luck to you!  

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