
Why can't i surf short boards?!?

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i can surf long boards all day, but i can't surf a short board to save my life, what am i doing wrong?




  1. If you're so used to surfing a long board, then your body will attempt to match the same pattern on a short board. However, your weight distribution will be different on a short board, as it isn't the same weight itself! Hope that makes sense.

    Keep practising on a short board, and you'll get it eventually. It's about practising on both to get the technique sorted in your head. :) Have fun.

  2. long boards are much different than a shortboard.

    shortboards are much more advanced and difficult

    the way you pop up on a long board is way different than popping up on a short board

    on a long board you can pop up using basically ur whole body

    but on a shortboard ur feet are dangling off, soo you have to use all upper body

    sooo in that way it could be much harder

    but the key answer is practice

    soo eventually you'll get it.

    good luck!

    hope I helped


  3. try a fish, it is a longboard in a short board size. it has thick rails and its wide. so it is great learning to get used to short board size.

    it is GREAT for learning how to turn like a shot board because it is SOO loose.

    it also teaches you good smooth turns

  4. It is hard to go from a longboard to shortboard. Here are some tips.

    Take off late

    Find steep and bigger waves

    paddle hard

    move up on the board- towards the nose

    when you go to pop up... with your hands push the nose down to keep the board from stalling.

    For additional surfing information check out my website:

  5. scoot up a little

    paddle harder

    take off steeper

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