
Why can't i taste my food?

by Guest58140  |  earlier

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Why can't i taste my food?




  1. congestion from sinus infection, cold, or flu blocks your NASAL passages. Almost everyone's sense of taste begins with smell--so if you cannot smell, it, your taste buds do not know what to expect and thus taste nothing.

  2. not enough chile's or you forgot the salt !!

  3. u probably have a cold

  4. if your a smoker, you are losing your taste buds...

  5. ill bet you have a cold, sinus infection. Or if you smoke. All of those things will cause you to not taste your food.

  6. If you have a cold you cant smell much nor taste much. If you smoke you loose your taste buds. I'm thinking cold because if you have never smoked then that wont affect anything but a cold definitely will

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