
Why can't kids,teens have less homework.?

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Why can't kids,teens have less homework.?




  1. Will you learn? Homework is there to challenge you to do moe with your educational time and not merely regurgitate stuff back to show that you can memorize stuff, but not necessarily think about stuff

  2. because we need to learn, duh.

  3. At school they are unable to teach you everything they want you to know in the time frame so therefore are leaving it up to you to basically teach yourself or force your parents into helping you. Hence- "home" work. You are basically homeschooling and going to Public school at the same time.

  4. They can.

    1) You stay focused in class and pay attention and you'll automatically have less homework.

    2) There may be schools in the area that require less--or no--homework.

    3) You can homeschool.

    As for why there is so much homework, part of it is because the government requires that a ton of stuff be covered and that doesn't usually leave a lot of time to work in class to master the material. You MUST work, and because class time is often spent in discussion or lecturing, you have to do the work outside of class. That's why many teens enjoy homeschooling--they simply do their work, they're done within 5 hours or so, and they move onto other things.

    You might be interested in reading Alfie Kohn's "The Homework Myth." He talks all about the problems with the amount of homework--and the type of homework--required of kids today.

  5. school is basically to train you for when you go to college if you think your work load is tough now just wait for college they give no mercy

  6. Actually, school (including college) is to train you for the real world wherein you'll have to pull your own weight and (hopefully) that of a family and not become dependent on the state for your food, housing, clothing, healthcare, etc.

    Here's a vital clue: If you want to rise above the pack and have more money than most, you'll have to work harder and smarter then most. I have a dream to be wealthy. I studied under a master jeweler for 18 years, and on my own for the past 12, taking classes and reading/studying. I now work  6 days a week, 10-12 hours per day because I get paid for my output not for the hours I spend at my job.

    You can have less homework and you can get a job in a factory, and live in a trailer.

  7. I tend to agree and I taught for 20 years.   Sometimes homework is given because it had to be given that night and is not always appropriate.   You would be amazed how much of the pressure for homework comes from parents!   It gives them a stick to beat the kids with.  Instead of using their own discipline it would use the school's.  'You'll get in trouble if you don't do your homework etc......'   Some homework is obviously needed but I know that some kids get waaaaaay more than is needed for school.

  8. There isn't enough time during the day to give you all of the knowledge that you need. So you have homework in order to allow you to get all of the knowledge that you need. You are also learning how to deal with the future in business and in college. It helps you prepare for the workload so that you don't get overwhelmed.

  9. Seriously?  150 years ago, kids started college at 14.  100 years ago, 5th graders had harder spelling and vocab words than you currently see on the SAT.  50 years ago, Latin and Logic were standard courses.

    Busywork is completely useless - I don't believe work should be given just to fill time - but homework allows you to work on skills and retain information, to develop thought processes that you will need throughout your life.

    The older child and teenage years are set aside specifically as a time to learn before you go out and are expected to have a career, a family, and responsibilities.  It's not just a time to party and hang at the mall.  You have a lot of homework because your teachers know what's coming up and they're trying to prepare you for it...that is, after all, their job.

  10. I have no problem with say an hour of home work for grades 5-12 and maybe 30 minutes or so for grades K-4 but that is often not the situation. One of the main reasons we pulled my oldest out of public school was the amount of home work that I had to teach nightly and the amount of busy work she brought home from school that was done during the day! The busy work would consist of page after page of coloring sheets (in second grade) while the homework was the hard stuff! After a year and a half of second grade we had enough! We were consistently doing 4 hours of work each and every night. The teacher sent home weekly home work plans so that we knew what she had to do each night. Everything from 20 math problems, study 15 spelling words,10 vocabulary words, write a paragraph on ...., and so on. This is Second Grade! There was no reason for this! My husband and I just felt like the teacher was sending home the lesson plans for us to teach while she sat on her ever widening rear!

    There should be a limit on how much is sent home at night. After all its is there job to teach all day! It is the job of the student to absorb it in anyway possible!

    Why can't homework be like it was 11 years ago when I was in school? Most of it was finish what we didn't do in class with a paper due here and there. That is the kind of homework that should be assigned!

  11. When you get older and go to college you'll be glad you had all the practice homework when you were in high school. They don't do that just to keep you off the street. In college they fly thru the lessons and you have very little teacher student time

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