People who smoke marijuana are the biggest threat to America. They are using a drug that is killing them and are persuading others to become another pothead loser. I hate the whole culture behind pot smoking. Why is there a culture (stoner films, paraphernalia shops, etc.) devoted to a hobby that causes brain damage, lung cancer, and a host of other health problems? Why can't the police just kill all pot smokers right away? Arresting them and putting them in jail won't keep them from wanting their precious dope. Why is there even a debate on marijuana legalization? It's bad enough that tobacco and booze are legal but now these sick and perverted stoners want to make weed legal so more people will try it and really turn this country into a wasteland. Everyone who supports legalization of marijuana is a pot smoker, because all non-pot smokers agree that marijuana is a dangerous drug and ultimately leads to even more dangerous drugs. I wish all pot smokers were savagely killed by the cops because I'd rather them be shot to death than die happy in a stoned haze.