
Why can't members of a group change their own email settings for the group?

by  |  earlier

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Unless i've misunderstood it seems that as moderator, I am the only one who can change their settings. While I don't mind the members wonder why they have to bother me to do this and frankly i wonder too. Can anyone answer or correct me and point me to the way I can change this for my group? Thanks!




  1. Members can and should make their own email setting changes for group related activity.  It's up to the group owner how much assistance they wish to give to their members.  Some owners refuse to make changes in their member's email settings.

  2. members can, they often don't know they can or know how to do it. if members get individual mail (maybe also with digest too) there's a link at the bottom they can click on to change it. often members don't even realize on the bottom is a link to take them to the group :)

    I change this for members alot too. some are not computer/ Yahoo savy ;)

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