
Why can't men accept that feminists aren't evil or whatever they are just fighting for their rights?

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It annoys me how many men and some women i guess think of feminists to be these horrible people. All their doing is fighting for the rights that women should have as a human being.

There are always questions on this site floating around from men who are being rather ignorant by saying feminists are making life harder for men? I think those things are so unbelievably selfish . To all men who dont understand what feminists do ,well they try and make life a little easier for your mothers,sisters,aunties,grannies,girlfri... etc.

As you may or may not have noticed women had things pretty hard back in the day and its about time we got equal rights. You can tell me that things are equal now, yeh maybe they are but not community wise. Many women are still raised to believe that their job is in the kitchen.

To all men who think that: How would you like that if women said that a mans job was in the house and kitchen?

Well anyway the question is well Why won't you accept feminists?




  1. Looking at the past actions of people called feminists, I can conclude that there is far more to this ideology than it claims. Actions speak far louder than words.

    That is all.

  2. I hate feminists,that's because they claim they want equal rights but what they want is for women to be spoiled and they want to get rid of men.

    You mentioned that they want to make it easier for mothers,daughters,ect but what about fathers,sons,uncles,grampas? When was the last time you heard feminists fighting to get an innocent man out of jail? Where are they when a man's rights are violeted?

    I will believe that feminists want equal rights when they really do want it.

  3. Some men do accept feminists and some men don't-just like women. The ones who don't accept feminists may disagree because of political ideas or religious beliefs or cultural views-and they have the right to disagree. I'm a feminist but being bisexual-I know that quite a few people hate me because of my sexual orientation and that a few dislike me because I"m a woman-it doesn't even matter if I'm a feminist or not. But of course there are those that assume the worst of feminists-it's a lot easier to lump feminists all together and believe that they are destroying the world vs dealing with a changing world and do something constructive about the change that is occurring around them.    

  4. Yes, it's so important for us to fight for our rights and that what anti-Feminists don't understand.  We need to stand together to ensure that we continue our struggle against the evil forces that oppress us.

    We adore men, and this is a universal truth.

  5. I agree with others that said that most men DO accept and support equal rights for women, and most accept feminism.

  6. What right do i have as a man that you lack as a woman?

    Really. ONE single right, just one male only right.

    Really, do you think that this many men would be opposed to a movement that only wanted equality? Have you deluded yourself into thinking that were all ignorant or evil?

    If you tell me of one right that is male only, i will sell my home, quit my job, auction off all my material possessions and donate the money to a women's shelter, then go around my hometown handing out flyers and preaching the tale of the oppressed woman.

  7. Real men do accept this concept - it's the little ones here who think we're out to get them.  And these little ones are not saying that a woman's place is in the kitchen.  They just hate feminism.  They and their internet buddies think they're on the vanguard of the next great social movement, but I suspect it's just a bunch of miscreants that would rather blame feminists for their unhappy lives than actually get out and lobby for the changes they want to see.  

    I don't know what's being taught in Women's Studies programs to make them hate it so much. The professional women on campus that I know are nothing like that. The women I know who choose to stay home to raise their families, or would rather be home but can't afford it, or work because they can't imagine not working, are all accepting and tolerant of choices.  

    The changes feminism has made to the world we live in will never, ever be rolled back.  More changes will be made in the years to come, but these changes will not give women "more rights" as the little ones are so frightened of.  They will make for a more level playing field and ideally extend internationally in terms of HUMAN rights.

  8. For that matter, why can't they accept the illegitimacy of the constant comparisons to terrorists?

    Anyway, most men are too enlightened to bother with such prejudice. Others take a few bad apples out of the feminist barrel and assume the entire crop has worms in it.

  9. "Why can't men accept that feminists aren't evil or whatever they are just fighting for their rights?"

    That's kind of hypocritical blanketing all men this way, don't you think?  Just as there are different kinds of feminists, there are different kinds of men.  

  10. Because men who question feminists are just insecure and/or fear the competition.  Or they're plain ignorant of the glass ceiling women still deal with on a daily basis.

  11. Who cares? I don't worry about the opinions of people who make bigoted rants. They're not worth my time.

    I'm a feminist. My friends are feminists, both male and female. It's not like the bigots can do anything about it.

  12. On Y!A they're just 12-year-old boys trying to get a rise out of you. You don't have to listen to them.

  13. Feminists promote policies and laws that discriminate against men. The fact that they can't or won't acknowledge that is evidence of their deep seated hatred of men.

  14. When a woman wants equal rights, I will give equal when a woman can keep up building a tow of barges.  Seen one try because she cried equality, she got it and 6 hours later quite because IT WAS TOO HARD.  I do it and it ain't hard at all.

  15. Because if feminism were about equality, we would support you. After the 60s, it became the driving force behind the following.

    It’s all about a mothers rights, but no fathers rights. The new family unit is now defined as a mother and her children.

    Women being treat like princesses in prison and men being treat like animals. Female prison guards humiliate and degrade men, but female prisoners get privacy and respect from male prison guards.

    Bodily choice for women, but forced genital mutilation for baby boys, referring to women’s rights to their bodies in terms of abortion, but boys being circumcised without choice.

    Female reporters allowed in men’s locker rooms, but privacy and respect for female athletes. Very strange definition of equality that feminism was very vocal about as being equal rights. Is this an example of the respect that feminists claim MEN don’t have for WOMEN?

    Its women getting everything in a divorce, and men being torn away from their children

    Female s*x offenders being slapped on the wrist, but male s*x offenders being incarcerated the rest of their lives

    Its men being sentenced to more time for the same crime than women. This can be researched under the US government and shows that women don’t get held accountable to the level that men do.

    It’s a feminized education system that cripples natural behavior of boys, makes being male a crime in school, then girls claiming they are smarter.

    Its women being allowed to drown five children and using the fact she is a woman to get away with it - Andrea Yates

    Its women being allowed to use domestic violence as an excuse to murder a sleeping husband, even though there is no evidence of domestic abuse - Mary Winkler. (OJ Simpson was never convicted, if he had been, he would be in jail today. Winkler was convicted and is still walking round free!)

    Its the extensive abuse of restraining orders to vilify an innocent man and get leverage in a divorce.

    Its men being jailed for defending themselves against an abusive wife, but called a wimp if he takes the abuse

    Its women demanding respect from men, but never having to respect them in return

    Its women having the choice between abortion, adoption, dropping an unwanted baby off at a hospital, raising the child with a father, or raising the child without a father, but the only choice men have is to agree.

    Its 3 innocent Duke Lacrosse players losing their lives because we don’t ever think a woman could lie about rape - let alone prosecute her for doing so.

    Its women labeling men as abusive when the US government has shown women cause more child abuse than men.

    Its female rape being horrendous, but male rape being funny and made in to comedy movies. Male rape is a legally accepted part of the justice system, but only against men.

    Its just about every TV show being allowed to humiliate and degrade men, but women complaining and calling it sexist if they were treated the same.

    It’s more health care spending going towards women’s health than mens. Breast cancer receives 7 times the funding of prostate cancer. There are three departments of women’s health in the US government, but none for men. However, men live an average of 5 years less than women when the genders used to have the same life span.

    Its allowing women only clubs and banning men only clubs

    It’s doing everything we can to help girls in math and science, but letting boys fall further behind in everything else.

    It’s defining equal pay for equal work as men playing five sets of tennis, but women only playing three. Maybe women claiming 3=5 is the reason for the above point

    Its cutting men’s sports in college in favor of women’s sports that have no interest

    Its female murderers being mentally ill, but male murderers just being evil

    Its claiming men walk out on their family when its actually women who file a majority of divorces

    Its men being portrayed as evil, stupid or buffoons on TV and all women being perfect or superior.

    Its women wanting equality for their gender, but men being called chauvinist pigs when they want equality for their gender

    its fixing the education system when girls are failing, and blaming the boys when boys are failing

    its women being allowed to level false accusation against an innocent man without consequence. Read Duke Lacrosse and many other examples. Feminism has installed this right to women through the courts.

    Its a man being a chauvinist, sexist pig when he doesn’t respect women, but a women who doesn’t respect men is an admirable, strong and independent woman.

    Its male politicians, legislators and judges being able to represent womens rights and interests, respecting them as people, but women never having demonstrated that they can represent mens rights.

    Its feminists not being able to provide one example of legal discrimination against women today.

  16. Because there are no rights to fight for!

    There are sexist people on both sides.  

  17. It's frustration.  Both genders don't understand each other.

    I believe in equality for both sexes.  However I'm also fighting for equal rights for fathers.  My ex-wife abuses child visitation and many times she doesn't let me talk to my son.

    Today it's easy for a woman like my ex-wife (I divorced her)

    to legally and financially grind down a man via the court system.  Feminists ignore & laugh at our pleas of equality.

    That's when the frustration comes into play...we are human beings; let us talk to our children.  :)  Treat us as humans not as cattle in the courtrooms.  Isn't that what feminists expect for themselves?  To be treated with respect.

  18. Not all men are adverse to equal rights, I see what you mean though, there seem to be a lot of uneducated people on Y!A in particular. Some men have an enormous sense of entitlement and like to throw tantrums when they're challenged. It just makes them look worse though ;)

  19. That's what they said about Hitler..they said he's only looking after the German people...they said he's a nice reasonable man really.

    I rest my case.  

  20. Well hun' Not all men are as stupid as you assume.

    They see when actions and results speak louder than words and the actions far exceed " rights" or "equality " don't they.

    So just because you say "we are just out for our rights" does not make it true .

  21. But we already HAVE equal rights in most western countries, and have done for ages, so what is there left to fight for?

    As for the woman's job being in the kitchen, I doubt there are many men who believe that.  Most men want their wives to go out to work and earn money as well as doing all the kitchen stuff, as indeed a lot of women have always had to do.

    The idea that there is something oppresive about being in the kitchen is one I have always found rather curious.  Why is being in the kitchen any more oppresive than being in an office all day long?

    And remember that in the past, many married women who had to work but whose economic situation improved so that they could stay at home were actually glad to do that, they regarded the release from the endless toil of the workplace as a liberation rather than as oppression.  We have been taught in our work-mad society to believe that endless toil is the greatest good, but this was not the view of people in the past.

    Not all of us regard our homes as hateful, or as being in the kitchen as the worst thing that can happen to us.  And if there are any men left who are willing for their wives to stay at home while they go out to work, then I think it is to their credit.  Most men nowadays want their wives to be workhorses, like the women of peasant societies.

  22. Feminists don't want equal rights, they want special rights and privileges.   They fight for special laws and acts that favor women but discriminated against men..

    So men are suppose to be OK with a movement that discriminates against them?   Like blacks are suppose to be OK with the KKK and Jews with n***s?

    Nice logic there..

  23. Because, it's really because they're stupid and narrow minded. People who are not stupid don't behave that way. Why bother? I'd just rather ignore them and let them face  the reality and realize how ignorant they are by themselves.

  24. hmm... Us guy's who think feminist's are nothing more than sexist fascist's have good reason's.

       And it has nothing to do with the antiquated sexist notion that "women belong in the kitchen".

    It has to do with the constant insults from the NOW and other feminist organizations.


    It has to do with feminist's routinely pushing for law's that destroy what little rights us men have.

    It has to do with feminist's pushing for program after program to assist women but when the government creates one program aimed at fathers(but women can also participate) feminist organizations lampoon it as "sexist".

          Why should we call evil good and good evil?

    Feminist's routinely make death threats and books on how to "cheat" the system( The NOW actually published books on how to accuse a husband of abuse when none took place during a divorce).

    Why should we like people who launch hate rally's every year and use false statistics and insult and demonize men?

         Feminism is not about equality it is about superiority. Feminist had 30 years to prove there intentions and the record is pretty solid.

           Feminist's are criminals, liar's and potential murder's.

    They advocate enslavement and gendercide, so why the heck should we trust people who stated time and time again that they would like to see every male extinct or enslaved?


    It is amusing to see the feminist reaction:"How dare they dissagree with us they must be ignorant 12 year old's or insecure".

    Equal oppurtunity is a just goal. But all feminist's do is speak of equality while pushing for superiority and special privlages and rights.

         The feminist idea of an equal government is a government that is entirely feminist. To them that is equal. To me it is oppression. Something feminist's have been doing way to much as of late.

  25. Actually, it is just as close minded to lump all men together as being against women's rights.

      If you think about it, men have supported women's rights every time there has been a case made based upon the injustice of the current system...this is the way men voted to give women the right to vote, and it's why now, 80 years or so later that most men find it bizarre that it had to happen that way, rather than women having equal rights to begin with.

       Once the feminists "get off message" they start losing support...not for their core values, but for their vocal fringe element...also, they do not lose support from the base of men, only from the fringe element among them.  You shouldn't let the actions of the fringe elements of either "side" define either the cause of women's rights, or it's progress.

  26. Generally, I think most men do accept feminists.  Generally not supported are radical feminists who want women to rule over men and the political elements of feminism.  Everytime something bad happens to a woman, there is some political demonstration by NOW or some other womens group.  People of both genders get sh*t on sometimes.  Why is it a politcal statement when it happens to a woman?  This is one of many things which actually serve to elevate women ABOVE men in the social structure.  Most men openly support equality and the feminists who believe in it.  What cannot be tolerated is taking steps which go beyond that.

    BTW Baba:  I wouldn't count out the fact that many of today's "anti-feminists" might actually be "on the vanguard of the next great social movement."  If enough men begin to feel that the system is wronging them, they too will begin to organize much like women did.  That will be a social war which will have no winners and I am sure that there will be many on both sides who will wish that we had just listened to each others concerns a bit more carefully.

  27. It's the religious right wanting to keep women in subjection. They are opposed to being homosexual, and they think there is a link between homosexuality and being a feminist. As though women who are"feminists" are attempting to get even with men. No, women would just liketo be given the same opportunities as men.

    Here's a shocker for you: The state of MIssouri still has not passed the Equal Rights Amendment  - - How's that for living in the Dark Ages?  Nothing like having uneducated mothers rearing the next generation!

  28. People who have low intellects and who are not worldly enough are not going to see past their own 4 walls.  Men have a very misconstrued idea of women and fail to see why they need basic human rights.  It's all to do with s*x.  They only see women as s*x objects to be ridiculed and laughed at.  I only hope they don't treat female family members that way.

    Feminism has made a pathway for stupid males to attack it at every turn because they don't like the fact that they have to treat females as human beings.  They attack feminism with all sorts of inane theories and facts that shows the male's lack of intelligence.  Males hate women having a say in life.  But at death, fate treats us all as equals.  Noone can blame feminism on your death bed.

  29. Oh I, as a woman, don't believe that we had it as hard as you seem to claim that we have.  Throughout history before the term feminism was ever coined in 1906 we have done loads.  So, I don't understand for the life of me what your problem is; besides, the usual why don't people like feminists?  Who in the h**l cares who likes or who don't like feminists? crying out loud you got enough on your plate than to be whining about that   Make up your minds; one minute you're all gun-ho about coming to the third world and rescuing the women over here, then you turn around and start whining about not being liked.  Accept the fact that some accept you and some don't.  Now get on with your life.

  30. Well I never had the opportunity to never met a feminist in person.

    Either way a lot of groups who are striving for equal rights dont believe in opinions or how to be accepted but not supported. Yea a lot of men arent out in the streets rallying or have bumper stickers and what not but they support equal rights by living there lives as women being there equal relationships being 50/50 in the work area treating women with respect and equality just all around. Also some men agree with some but not all of the feminist views, but for some reason a lot of groups including feminist have that all or nothing mind set so your all the way for it or your the enemy.

    Answer mines if you have time;...

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