
Why can't men and women be equal?

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why shouldn't they be?

and whats with the stupid feminist groups they dont want equal rights they want women to have all the rights and men to have none. same but the other way round with mens rights groups.




  1. better is the enemy of good. do not tamper with a situiation that this holding the world together.

    in the words of  magazine advert of 1913 against women suffrage:

    "those who have never been kissed"

    you are a ugly (my type)

    How much to buy you?

  2. That depends entirely on what you mean by "equal". If you mean, "equal" as in equal oppurtunities for men & women & equal choices then yes, I agree with you, we should be equal in that sense.

    But no matter what the feminists will tell you, men & women are NOT the same. There are some things that men can do better than women & likewise, there are also things that women usually do better than men. Like men are naturally stronger. Sure, a woman who works out everyday will of course be stronger than a small skinny man who has never worked out in his life, but you can't really compare the two. However if you took the strongest man & the strongest women & had them battle it out, then the strongest man would win. It's also scientifically proven that men are better at Math because of something in their brain or whatever. However women have better dexterity. These are all scientific facts that of course the radical feminists will deny.

    Also, men & women are different emotionally & mentally . Their minds work different ways & they respond to situations differently.

    So to answers your question, men & women cannot be equal because we are NOT the same.

  3. Because no one really wants to be equal. We all just want the opportunity to be equal.

  4. There is the traditional sense of men paying for meals, opening doors...."ladies first mentality".

    Woman have abandoned their traditional roles, and so be it, times change.  Why must we men maintain chivalry?

    Women do not wish to be held in what high social esteem they had, they want to be equal. So if they refuse to be a wife and mother, so be it. If they wish to have a career of their be it.

    But if a man mas to stay at home and mind the kids and clean the house he's deemed a lout!

    The feminist movement in the UK undone itself. Women could apply for state pension at 60; because of feminism they have to wait until they're 65 to be as equal as men.

    If women wish to be treated as equals, they should not slap a man and expect not to be hit back. (Not making a case for wife beating, purely making a point). I will treat a woman as a women, I will hold open doors, I will let them take my seat and go ahead of me. ..However, a woman once accused me of being sexist for holding the door open for her, her words as I held the door were "Chavanist!". Thus I released the door as she passed through.

  5. men have been ontop since the beginning of time, "literally''

    its b/c women have kids

  6. why is there always a butch and the itch?

    The feminists only want certain rights, not all of them. They want to pick and choose. Equality is not always as it seems.

    Even with the g*y people there is the need for someone to play the masculine one. It's just the way to go.

    I guarantee if you saw two lesbians and you approach them, one will overpower the conversation, if you threaten them, one would step up to you, and one would step back, in most cases.

  7. We can't be 100% equal because only women can get pregnant, and therefore have more reproductive rights. But at least we can get close.

  8. Men and women are not the same and therefore cannot be equal. As just human beings, they should have the same rights.

  9. I think you may be living on another planet because everything you wrote is just preposterous.

    As for the first answer to this question....if you don't want to continously pay the way of the woman you are dating, you should try to date some competent, career minded and forward thinking women, instead of women with sh*t for brains. far as what is wrong with what you just said, I don't know anyone at all who wants to deny men any rights.  That includes people who call themselves feminists.  (Then again I live in CA)  And the only men I know who want to deny women any rights are either from the South, or older than 60.  And they probably also would like to bring back segregation, so I've dismissed them as pretty much insane.  I think you're making assumptions about what those groups want, and I definitely think those assumptions are wrong.

  10. Because it's human nature to be greedy. "I WANT THE RIGHTS!" "NO ME!!". Women and men aren't equal in some ways but as human beings we need rights to simpler things like politics and pay.

  11. Life would be so boring if men and women were absolutely equal.

  12. We seem to confuse the word "equal" with the word "same." Let's try to fix that.

    I think your characterization of women's and men's movements is wrong. Not all feminists nor all andrists (masculinists, whatever, please let me know when you guys figure out what to call your movement) are the same, nor do they hold the same views and/or goals.

    If you're asking why we can't all just get along the answer is this:

    Men have been dominating women for thousands of years and women are at times really upset by this. It's going to take time to really root out all the sexism and anger, until then, there will be conflict between women and men.

    If we, as individuals, work to traverse our own issues and heal ourselves, then we can have really fulfilling interactions with the "opposite" s*x. If we don't, then we can't.

    In reality, there is no reason for women or men to have "all the rights." It only breeds more animosity. Until we define our worth not by who we dominate but by who we are, we will always need to come up on someone else to make ourselves feel better.

  13. As a whole we are equal in the natural sense meaning we are different but cannot survive without the other. It is society that separates the genders and creates inequality

  14. I look at life like this; once in a blue moon we're going to be 50/50; not always; in the next we might be 48/52 and it might in my favor or your favor; what's going to make things move ahead is when we both put the pedal to the metal so to speak; meaning no one complains; they just get the job done.

  15. Men and women are very different and unequal in many ways. As one lacks the other should have and fill the gaps to make a total package. That is what we are designed for. But as time marches on so does thinking and we now are faced with men who think they can be better women than the women and women who think they can be better men than the men.  This is why we MUST declare WAR on drugs, especially CRACK.

  16. You are very correct, Im tired of paying for their meals, opening the doors for them, and pulling their chairs out and helping to seat them.  Lets get these women off the pedestal and bring them down to equality.

  17. I agree that men and women should have equal rights and that includes not favoring either women or men.  There are some GENERAL differences between women and men (other than physical appearance lol) of course.  But I think we should all have equal opportunities.  Many women for example are not interested in math and computer science, but there are some who are very interested in these domains.  So they should be given equal opportunities.

    At the same time, being a student and a woman, I do not appreciate the attitude that there "should be" similar proportions of male and female students in arts and sciences. I don't agree. I think that's also discriminating.

  18. No we are not equal. We both deserve same rights and worth the same.

  19. The bottom line is this topic about women being treated unfairly is so passe. It's a non-existent issue. It's a few pissed off women who what to remain important to the greater society. I have worked in a female dominated career my whole life. I have had more female than male bosses. If a women feels she is being treated unfairly, that's exactly what it is, a feeling and nothing more.

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