
Why can't more companies treat their employees with respect ?

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Why can't more companies treat their employees with respect ?




  1. Because they all honor the national douche rule

  2. Because now everyone has a Gordon Gekko "greed is good" attitude and companies forget that the so called little people are the ones doing the work that enables them to make profits.

    I'm very very fortunate in that I work for a privately owned company and the owner treats us really well. We have an outstanding benefits package and in addition we get annual pay raises and bonuses, and we're always thanked for our hard work and dedication. The guy who owns the company I work for believes if you treat people well, fairly and honestly they'll be more productive and so far it's been a key point of our success.I have no complaints but I know there's other people who aren't as fortunate as I am and I'm thankful everyday !

  3. All they care about is making money.  I work for one of the most greedy gas station companies around and get treated like c**p.

  4. People are suck ups and would rather reign h**l on others then take responsibly for being that.

    The loser who came up with "it's not personal, it's just business," should really have been staked and left for the crows as an example to those with even a bit of humanity.

    Instead we now have a legacy of ever-smaller cubicles.

  5. Because for most Companies it'sall about the dollar they don't care how they get it as long as they do get it.

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