
Why can't my dad actcept the fact I'm pregnant ?

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kay so I'm 15 and last night I got engaged and today I find out I'm pregnant for sure. so I new my dad had to no so justte two

of us wentto dinner. I started of with dad I'm engaged. he tottaly freaked out which I kinda expected considering I am only 15. after he calmed down I explained to him I was pregnant and that me and the father/boyfriend/soon to be husband were gunna raise it and we needed his support. i didnt ask for money or nothing like that. now me and my boy decided we were gunna wait to get married until were both 18. now my dad kicked me outta his house and my grandparents live to far away I wouldn't be able to finish high school here and as for my mom well I dont have one. she left when I was 3. my dad rasied me and my older brother and his child. I get my brother was stupid nad into drugs and didnt take care of his baby but that is no reason to

leave me here like seriously me and him are tottaly different in not into drugs I have never tried them nor do I want to. my was always really strict and telling me to stay in school. I am gunna stay in school by I'm gunna need to take a year or two off. my boy dropped out last year and works full time plus he has a part rme job. I work part time too. how to I get my dad t actcept the fact that I'm gunna be a mom. does anyone have any advice.

and you can always email me too

your help is greatly appericiated




  1. You wouldn't need to take a year or two off.  My sister became pregnant when she was 15 and had the baby in April of '05... she was placed on 'homebound' where a teacher came to our house, and she only missed a few months of actual school and went back the following fall.  Find out what your options are at your school. How far along are you?  I understand your father's decision, he might not have the means to financially support you and a baby, but perhaps your grandparents do.  How old is your boyfriend?  Does he have a job?  Is it possible for you to get a workers permit?  

  2.'s my personal opinion: Dont you have a goal or a dream to follow? Any potential? No wonder your dad is mad at you, i dont think you mysteriously got pregnant!!!!!  Just remember: FINISH SCHOOL!!!!!!!!!!!! If you are about to be a mother, and your bf (and soon to be hubby) doesnt have a great educational backround, be sure to stay in school...dont listen to what people say and watch Juno or The Secret Life of the American Teenager...both are about teen pregnancies.  Its like the new (but terrible) trend...Good luck though and im sure everything will be fine.

  3. I'm sure your dad will come around it's hard for dads to accept their baby is pg

    as for school there is no reason you have to take any time off it's imperative that you finish school! they have alternative schools with daycare facilities in them so you can finish as for your bf he needs to finish school also how will he plan on supporting you if he has no education? that's probably another reason your dad is pissed this guy didn't even finish school!!!!!!!!!1

  4. You are young... but your not any less capible of being a great mom. its good your guy is accepting this whole situation and im sorry your dad isnt settling with these circumstances. he probably just thinks hes lost his little girl and is upset. im sure he loves you and he will get over it but it will take time. Just becuase you are a Teen doesnt mean you are less capible of being a mom than a 21 year old or a 32 year old! good for you for wanting to stay in school too!

    So you know you are probably going to get a whole lot of bullshit rude feed back...just ignore it. all it takes to be a good prarent is responsibility, maturity (which cannot be measured by age) and Love...if you have that than your good to go!

    I'm 19 married and pregnant and i still get **** for it haha

    Good Luck!

  5. I don't think many dads have an easy time accepting that their daughter is pregnant, because it means a man put his p***s inside of her and ejaculated which for fathers is quite disturbing. The fact that you are 15 really wouldn't help.

  6. You are prob going to get some mean answers but on how to make him accept it I don't know. Congrats and sorry for the rough time.  

  7. Honey,

    I got married when I was 27 and my dad found it really hard to accept that he cried ALOUD when he was making his speech at the reception like it was the saddest day of his life! And mind you, he likes my husband so much.  But still, it feels to him like he is losing his daughter in a way.

    Your dad freaked out because he is losing you and at such a young age!!...Then, he totally freaked out some more when he found out that you were pregnant of course! It just means something like "I cannot do anything about this anymore."

    Hopefully things will be well when the baby comes along.  When the baby's out, pay him a visit with the baby.  Babies have their cuteness to protect them..if you know what I mean...Hopefully your dad would soften up when he sees this tiny little precious one who also is his own...

    You are in a tough situation and it will take one tough girl for it..

    Believe that you are tough...because you are =)

  8. First thing is you need to try and stop stressing.. stress isn't good for your baby. It is also good that your boyfriend is there for you and that you guys both have jobs. How  old is your bf?? I wish you the best luck!! And take care!!

  9. Girl, you need to stay in school and don't take a year off.  Did you proof read what you wrote... do you know what proof reading really is?  My point is that you don't have a solid foundation to build a family on.  Quit making excuses for why you think your life is what it is.  I think it is good you are going to take on the responsibility of a child, BUT YOU CAN'T DO THIS ON YOUR OWN, ON A DROP OUTS INCOME!!!!!  I am speaking from the heart.  I am a 27 year old single mother of a 2 year old, and I would have pulled my hair out at 15 trying to raise him on my own.  What if your boyfriend feels this is too much responsibility for him to deal with and he takes off?  You will ask your father for help.  Who's going to watch that baby when your working a $7.00 an hour job, bring home 200 dollars a week?  I know at your age playing house sounds like fun, but reality will bite you in the ***.  Your father is mad because he has been there by himself and now at his age he has to go there with your brother and now with you.  Young lady I really hope the best for you, and I really think that you and your boy friend should really get some counseling.  For the babies sake!  

  10. You can't make him accept it, nothing you do will.

    If he wants to accept it, he will on his own time.

    Plus, I can't really see a father being content with the fact his daughter is with a 'drop out', let alone pregnant by one, so as a parent-to-be, I can understand his anger.

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