
Why can't my friends write testimonial to me???

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Why can't my friends write testimonial to me???




  1. Testimonials are not working on Yahoo! 360 for some people. NOTE: The person that is sending you a testimonial must be a connected friend.

    This is likely a 360 glitch, since recently people have asked similar questions in this category. Often Yahoo burps up messages and invitations that should have been received long ago. Problems receiving (and sending) messages like testimonials have happened before. See for more details on 360 glitches.

    You will have to wait until this issue is "miraculously" solved by Yahoo.

    NOTE2: Yahoo! 360 is transitioning to a new system in the second half of 2008. Click on the "Yahoo!360 News" link in the upper right corner of your 360 space or go to for more details. However, the Y!360 team is no longer addressing 360 glitches.

  2. I dont know why , maybe yahoo 360 has a problem .

    because my friends that are in my frienslist cant send

    me testimonial !

    others cant even send me invition !!!

    i think yahoo360 has a problem !

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