
Why can't my mother-in law mind her business?

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my husband have a son and he has 50/50 custody the judge shared everything down to b-day and holidays with his son mother, while she was in court she acted as if everything is ok until about 3 months she left the state not wanting him around his son. we took her back to court 4x never showned up so the judge say she in contempt of the law she came back about 3year later wanting him to pay child support (said my husband "mom') she only aloud his mom to see the kid not him,but only when she's busy and want to party so his mom give her money on the low for about 2 month then she left the state again. him mom try to call and talk to her grand son but sometimes she wouldn't let her cause she's mad at my husband,for not putting himself on child support. which she can't cause he has 50/50. he told his mom if she stop paying her and let her know that, "that why my son is there to take care of his kid" she wouldn't be using her as a babysitter and her personel check( but i know its her grand kids) but thats why she don't care for him to see or take care of his son cause his mom does it all without letting him know any thing




  1. I thin she should stop allowing your husbands ex to manipulate her through the love she has for her grandchild. I know it is easier said than done, but still it needs to be done. Tell your husband to have a talk with his mom about her involvement in this situation.  

  2. um if there is laws in fact and she is breaking it, have his mom alert you next time she have his son, call the cops and have them pick him up

    file a kidnaping charge on her, and he may gain full custody of his son

  3. Sounds like your mother-in law is not being a supportive mom to her son, If i was his mom u better know i would be pissed at how the mom is treating the dad and not letting him see his kids. Some moms just look out for themselves. Have yall talked to her about this??

  4. Your mother-in-law is doing this because your husband is doing nothing about getting his 50% of the custody.  He should be after his ex wife for moving. She can't legally do that.  I would have her back in court , suing for full custody because she is not following the courts orders.  If your husband took care of things, your mother-in-law wouldn't have to.

  5. Sounds as if your husband is not interested in being a father.  As a father he has a responsibility to support, educate, and see his child.  What has he done?  Nothing.  Your mother in law is picking up the slack where her dead beat dad of a son has slacked off.  

  6. This child needs to be reported missing.  She took off with the kid that he has joint custody of.  He doesn't know where she is.  He hasn't seen his son.  This is illegal.  Women who's ex husbands take their kids get the police involved, why shouldn't your husband.  

    She is using the poor child as an ATM.  When she needs money and/or it's convenient for her she brings the child around but otherwise she's missing...  the authorities need to be involved.

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