
Why can't my significant other feel it when he ejaculates? (Mature answers only, please!)?

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Ever since the first time we ever had s*x, he was convinced he was just "going soft" when we were done, and he was genuinely embarrassed over it. Without going into too much detail, let's just say I know he ejaculated, but he was still convinced he didn't. After weeks of talking about it, he finally confesses that he's never been able to feel the sensation when he ejaculates, with the occasional exception when he was drunk in his teenage years, but that he still enjoys everything up until that point. I have tried to find out what this is, or if anyone else has ever heard of this, but to no avail. I'm thinking that maybe the alcohol delayed it, thus making it stronger so he could actually feel it, but I'm still unsure. If anyone knows what this may be, could you post a link if possible so I can read up?

Btw, he has not been to a urologist (obviously), and he's not lying, so anyone who wants to say "he's full of sh*t, that's the only problem", need not reply. He hasn't tried to get help because he says it just doesn't bother him, but any woman out there could agree with me that even IF it doesn't upset him, it bothers me that he doesn't enjoy it as much as he could.

Any REAL suggestion would help. Thanks a bunch ahead of time!!




  1. One thing you could ask him is: can he feel it when he just masturbates? Maybe he could learn to know his own body by masturbating and paying more attention to the feelings he gets.

  2. If it doesnt bother him then why are you letting it bother you/ When he is bothered enough he will go to the doctor.

  3. That is a bizarre thing for him not to know when he ejaculates.  I am not saying that he is lying- obviously, you have discussed it and he seems to be unaware.  Most men do feel the need to come build up, and then they feel that urgent feeling right at the end, and the actual ejaculation.

    He does need to talk to a urologist about his lack of sensation, because it is odd.  

    There may be nothing that the urologist can do; your boyfriend may have a loss of sensation for whatever reason that can't be treated.  I work with urologists and they do talk about the common problems they see, but this isn't one I've heard before.  Make sure he is referred to s specialist in sexual issues.  The neighborhood guy may not be able to help him, but can point him towards the right specialist.

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