
Why can't mythological creatures be real?

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Why can Christ be real to billions of people and people believe in h**l, heaven, etc, yet when one mentions/asks whether so-called "mythological creatures" are real, people immediately say "No! That's not real! Grow up!" There is no more evidence that all the stuff in the bible/Quar'an happened than that these so called creatures existed at one time. So why do we discount tales of ancient creatures such as dragons/mermaids/etc? And don't give me c**p about the bible being the word of god and all that. Any random shmuck could have written some passages in the bible just for kicks.




  1. because some people need religion. some people need to have faith in something higher up that will fix everything. they need to believe that good people will be rewarded and bad people will be punished, and if they aren't then it is all part of a bigger plan and everything will turn out ok in the end. sort of like how the predictable "happily ever after" ending in fairy tales comfort children. mythical creatures don't really fulfill this function (although people used to believe in them because it was a way to explain the mysterys of the world around them) so they can can easily disregard them.  

  2. Many people believe in different things I do believe these creatures exist but I believe that they live in the underworld. You are going to get a lot of different answers because that is what makes the world go round so many different beliefs

  3.   Jesus is real because he was human and had a message.  Many folks accept that the bible is a parable and not literal truth.  Science often provides logical explanation for mythological beasts.  The kraken was probably a giant squid, the camel-leopard is a giraffe, mermaids were manatees, centaurs were just men on horses in a time when people only used horses to pull chariots.

  4. Few skeptics claim these things are "impossible", we can not know this for certain...

    But we can be fairly certain that much, if not all, of the evidence for these creatures being real is poor (or nonexistant). Which is, in most practical terms, the same thing; we live our lives as if they DON'T exist until given reason to think that they DO exist.

  5. I believe in a lot of creatures... Like Nessy and Big Foot... Monsterquest is a great show!

  6. only one mythe ive seen to be true.that is the mythe of the hideabehind.a lot of people see this thing but dont want to mention it on acount of seeming to be crazy.he acts off fear.if you look this thing up you may be one of the non mentioners.check it out

  7. I believe in God and Jesus, and I also believe in dragons and faeries and gryphons...rather uncommon for a Christian. At any rate, my theory is...

    What proof is there that they DON'T exist? Even if there's no proof they exist, there's also no proof that they don't.

    Guilty until proven innocent.

    Someone asks why, I ask why not.

    Oh, and did you know that one type of dinosaur with a plate on its head could actually have been a gryphon? The people that discovered it arranged the bones into a plate, but they could have also been wings.

  8. idk. good point. lol. 2 me, anything i can't c is not real. this does not mean things i can't c rn't real, it's just that if i can't c them i can't know about them so how can i blv? imo aliens do exist but mythological creatures & god/ all that c**p do not exist & r just fullfillments of our needs 2 make life more interesting & 2 have an authority figure since we humans r evolved 2 need a leader.

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