
Why can't obama and Mc Caine! stop playing this Big B.S.. game! We need someone with a vision of who we are ?

by Guest64386  |  earlier

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We need to ask our selfs what have we become? amercans are good peopal when we understand what the truth is! and what needs to be done. today we have become the land of the blind!! we need to make the hard choices now befor it's to late. please STOP THE B.S.GOD SAVE US ALL!




  1. Politics as usual in D.C. Maybe "pitchforks and torches" isn't such a bad idea after all.

  2. Since no one is pressing them to drop the malarkey, they will continue to shovel it

  3. Its already too late, and no, god won't get the job done either. Americans have been brainwashed with BS and propaganda for so long now, no-one has any idea where to look for the truth, and it certainly isn't Washington.

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