
Why can't one be proud without mocking America?

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I've looked through several questions here on YA and several groups on facebook. Why is it that one cannot be, for instance, a proud Canadian, without mocking America? I think Canada is great (although I've only been to the US) - the nature's beautiful, and I've heard the people should've been just as great as Americans; which would mean that they're helluva nice people.

I don't see Americans have to mock Canada every time they're showing their pride. Is this just every-day anti-Americanism, or are these individuals having very low self esteem when they can only feel better about themselves when mocking others?




  1. My answer is;

    You have partly answered your own question. Fear, plain and Simple. They are Chicken Hawks who realize that America isn't America anymore but refuse too acknowledge it. So they have too put on this Big Too-Do and fuse and scream and put Canada Down because the Canadian dollar is finally worth more then the American!

    Thank you G. W Bush and his Controller Tricky d**k!

    I hope my answer helps

  2. Canada is fine we all allies although one of your leaders in the last 7 years tallked a lot of smack about us.

  3. The last part of the last sentence is the reason.

  4. Your question seems to imply that a Canadian can't be proud without having to mock America...which to me, is extremely 'racist'.  Perhaps, that's not exactly the right term.  However, to generalize a whole nation of proud Canadians to such action is unfair.  Perhaps the one or two or however many responses you've seen on Y!A and the few groups on Facebook.  But try to expand your world, I know many Canadians who are proud and don't 'mock' America.

    Please reconsider retracting your question.


    you're digging a deeper hole for yourself.

    "vast majority on the Internet"??  please do define that...  Have you compared Canadians online that mock America as opposed to those who don't?  how do you quantify that?

    just as an example, if i know 10 Americans who are unpleasant people, I wouldn't go and assume that represents the American population as a whole.

    Your question should be directed at those who mock America.  That would have been a fair question.  But to claim that "a vast majority of Canadians" have this perception really shows your disregard for actual facts and statistics.

  5. Here's an example from my life from years ago to illustrate what I think it is.

    My parents took a vacation trip to  canada when I was probably five or

    six.  At one point we stopped to eat in a small cafe or diner with booths.

    In the booth behind me were  a couple of canadian guys--probably

    teenagers or  very young adults.  They must have been able to tell

    we were not locals and probably from the United States.  They began

    saying  all sorts of provocative things--all critical of the United States.

    It wasn't  too long  'til  Dad was having to grab me by the belt loops

    and haul me back over the back of the booth---I was  going

    to kill them or get killed trying.  

    I strongly suspect a lot of the  type of thing you  describe might just

    be because of the deep-seated  and devil-take-the-hindmost patriotic

    response such things may engender when said in the presence

    of  U.S. citizens---you probably don't get that too often  from the

    average  person  in most nations---maybe some dock-worker or career

    soldier  of some other nation--or a soccer fan...

    I think even a lot of people who incessantly criticize every  aspect of

    their life as a  U.S. citizen  would find that, if confronted with   the same

    situation  I  was  at that time,  they might find themselves  

    "going over   the wire" too.  I think people  who live in nations

    which are not,  not to put too blunt a face on it,  worthy of that

    type of instant unthinking  defensive action  are mystified by it

    and want to see it and study it so they can possibly understand.

    But they will  never understand it until they too live in a  land that

    says to them "and if you  think what we your government are doing

    smacks too much of tyranny, you have the right to  already have the

    means  to KILL US, and it's your duty  to do so".

    That is MY COUNTRY and there is no other like it.  I'd chuse to

    inhabit the worst nastiest dankest prison  we have than be a "free

    man" for the rest of my life but not as a U.S. citizen.  I don't hate  the

    other nations, I just  pity them.

    That's my story and I'm   sticking to it.

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