
Why can't our goverment see how bad this country has become?

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I'm don't want to go into the in's and out's of the state of this country (Britain) as we already know how bad it is. Do the goverment seriously not know? Or do they know and not care? It really confuses me.




  1. The situation is out of their hands they can no longer cope and are to proud to admit it

  2. Think about it politically: if you admit there's a problem you look weak. And if you appear weak then why would the public want you as the Government?

    The Government knows: it just admits it knows when there's some amazing scandal in the news not involving them for once.

  3. they're thinking of them self only .

  4. It is the actions of the politicians that have led us to where we are today.

    They know that they are responsible but are unable to address the problems because they thought they had all the right answers in the first place.

    Why do you think so many policies are changed at short notice?

    The re-classification of cannabis, the reversing of the 10p tax rate are recent examples.

    Now they are bringing out a bill that makes employers put ethnics and women ahead of others applying for jobs. This too will all end in tears.

    Will  we ever get back to the days when our politicians were intelligent and set high moral standards?

  5. Simply'

    its because they are only interested in their own careers

    like cowards they will not speak up, because of being ostracised....and sent to the back benches.

    So the gist of the matter is ......they come first...not the country

    Come back Cromwell'  he would string them up to the nearest lamp-post.

  6. Of course they know. It's because political correctness has got way out of control in this country. Everyones too scared to say something in case they offend someone. our govement are too busy trying to please everyone else they have forgotton thier own people!

  7. They know, they just don't know what to do about it.

  8. "There`s none so blind as then that will not see"!

  9. You lot are very negative, arent you?  Part of being a politician is doing a sales job on the public - so they get back into power & have the influence they need, so course they will put a positive spin on stuff they have done - however, I don't think that means they don't know what the problems are. They can see the problems, the key is getting them to do sensible things to solve them.  BTW I don't think this country IS that bad, I've worked hard, got my qualifications, got a good job - this country does have opportunities (OK they could be better...), but not every country does you know.  I feel lucky to be British.

  10. cos they are too busy with their heads up each others butts to put it politely!

  11. All your government cares about is controlling you. The British government sees you as a subject and not a free citizen, but unfortunately it is too late for a revolution. They have already confiscated your arms. You should never put blind faith in governments.

    "Government is not reason, it is not eloquence, it is force; like fire, a troublesome servant and a fearful master. Never for a moment should it be left to irresponsible action." - George Washington

    "The most foolish mistake we could possibly make would be to permit the conquered Eastern peoples to have arms. History teaches that all conquerors who have allowed their subject races to carry arms have prepared their own downfall by doing so." - Adolf Hitler

    "Sometimes it is said that man cannot be trusted with the government of himself. Can he, then be trusted with the government of others? Or have we found angels in the form of kings to govern him? Let history answer this question." - Thomas Jefferson

  12. Most of what goes on is way beyond the government's control.  All the government can do is make laws and set taxes.

    When things go right, the government claims the credit and the opposition says it was all caused by global circumstances.  When things go wrong, the government says it's all down to global circumstances and the opposition says its all the government's fault.

    The present credit crunch and oil price crisis are both a direct result of American foreign and economic policy.  Uncle Sam is fighting two wars on credit because no-one's prepared to meet the cost in taxes.  The UK government and the main opposition party both support American foreign and economic policy.  Since we seem to be having a large swing from New Labour to Tory Lite, we can look forward to more of the same.

  13. Why should they care. They are on the gravy train and no matter how bad things become for the rest of us, they can always give themselves a pay rise, on top of which most will get a nice inflation proof pension.

  14. They know but are too concerned with their own self interest, I'm afraid.  Always remember this quote from, of all people, Ken Livingstone "If voting changed anything, they'd abolish it tomorrow." Shame.

  15. Because they are a bunch of political incompetent cretins who are bereft of any good ideas on how to govern a country effeciently!They have got this country into such a financial messonly a miracle worker can sort it out!I believe they are that incompetent they just do not know what damage they are doing to the country!

  16. Because their snouts are buried so deeply into the trough that they can't see over it

  17. Politicans are self serving and complacent.  It is the ultimate in lucrative jobs.  They have no interest in serving the the public as they were elected to do so, and their mission in life is to "feather their own nests" a sterling example of this is Blair and his property portfolio!

  18. In one word -- liberalism. Also, liberal democrats and rino republicans think that they are smarter than all the American people. When they get in offfice they suddenly become experts in everything.

         For example, they may know nothing about economics, but they can tell oil company CEOs how to run their businesses.  

         And they suddenly become a bunch of control freaks, needing to micro-manage everything.

  19. Because they choose to bury their heads in the sand !

    It has become a case of "pull the ladder on board, Jack, because I'm alright" and will be in the future with the amount of pension they will draw when they are no longer in power.

    It will be people like us that will suffer the consequences.

  20. New World Order and Free Trade is why.  Citizens have tech to improve. Alt currency. No The Gov does not care but any Gov would have same prob. Authority prob. So indiv cons to solve if not to much exp. of ins and outs.

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