
Why can't people admit that adults can act immature?

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I see it on reality shows. Adults throw tantrums and curse and argue. Then, they rant about teenagers being rebellious. I want to punch them in the face. How do they expect teenagers to bow down to them, but they can turn around and act immature. I look at these TV shows and ask myself "How can children respect that"

Any opinions?




  1. A lot of reality shows are staged (they're scripted, scenes are shot over & over again, etc.).  If this is happening in your life, these adults may be insecure.  Unless them yelling, arguing, screaming, etc. isn't a regular thing, don't worry about it.  Everybody has bad days.

  2. Your name isn't very mature!

  3. I see it in real life - people wait til they get to the grocery store to yell at their children - it's so upsetting.

  4. It's not just on reality tv.  I've had co-workers who have acted like children.  One time, there was a 40 year old woman who had a tantrum and argued with a customer.  I caught her, and she acted like a child.  Another time, another co-worker in his early 20s was reading a book while doing his work, severely making him look and sound very unprofessional.  I caught him, and he denied he was doing it.  Both of these people were fired from their job.  Now, I work with a 25 year old woman who does nothing but complain and is constantly late for work, never does any paperwork that she's supposed to do, and complains when she's asked to do it, and complains when no one takes her complaints seriously.  Well, it's no wonder, she complains about her own duties!  She doesn't try to be responsible.  I don't understand why people can act that way.

  5. Well for 1 some adults are actually adults because are mature not because of their age.

    2, I agree with you but its more then the adults that you see on reality shows. I would never base adults maturity on reality shows because I don't think there that real. I base it on some entertainers and people you see out in public.

    Like can some tell me why in the h**l 25 year old men and up are still wearing jeans below their as s. You look like a d**n 5 year old who for got to put on a belt or trying on their dad clothes.

    Why is Ice T telling Soulja boy ( Some who he is old enough to be his grandpa) to eat d**n di  ck. The after SoulJa Boy shows him how ignorant and immature he sounds and look he wants say yea im wrong. But when someone older and someone who's been in the game like me your suppose to just take it. Yea your suppose to just take it when your telling him something in a mature and respectable way like a 50 year old man should be able to do.

    Why do you got mothers going out to the club with their children or partying like their children? Trying to still dress like their 15 years old. So you can go on on talking about how some adults today are just pathtic.

    Like you hear rappers all the time how their not trying to be role modles and their not going to change their music because their just speaking what they know. But it reality their just not trying to be role models because their not man enough to be one.

  6. Well, I admire you in asking that question. It is very profound! Well you are an excellent guy! Thank you for asking! Good description and explanation. Very interesting question! Continue doing good and Great things like this! I think you are a Genius! Continue in exploring the world and learn more like you are up to now!

  7. Helloooo . . . it's TV!

    We're being fed c**p!

    Stop watching and live a good life.

    There are more stable, tho' challenged, adults in the world than what you're viewing.

  8. there isn't anything real about reality t.v.

  9. I agree but a lot of those people are spoiled and young anyway.

    I'de like to know why people (male and female) have such difficulty apologising.Even if  they did something completely wrong they won't apologize.Grow up.

  10. Awww ... that's so cute!  Sorry, but I remember when I was at the age when I began to realize that adults were not always right, and did not always act right, and as a matter of fact they get everything wrong a lot of the time.

    Some adults are completely immature and should not be raising children.  Some are too mature, which makes them boring as dirt.  Nobody gets it right 100% of the time no matter what their age is.

    What you need to remember, is to always respect your parents.  If only for the reason that your mother gave birth to you and took care of you while you were growing up.  That is worthy of respect.

    You should generally have some respect for people who are older than you, because chances are that their life experiences have given them some level of maturity, even if it's not immediately obvious.

    And when you judge people, always give them a second chance.  Everyone is capable of change.

    And be careful when judging people at all.  While you are finding the flaws in others, others may be finding the flaws in you.  Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.

  11. it seems that only adults act immaturely.  By definition, children and adolescents are already immature, they are not grown yet.  Adults who behave childishly, are the only ones who can be acting immaturely.

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