
Why can't people be more sentative to others feelings?

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I care about my friends, and do what i can for them, as in giving support, although I can't always drop everything and go visit them when they want me to, but they expect it. For me, My family comes first, before friends, is this wrong? my children are my main concern even though they are grown and away from home, if they need me I'm there for them, yet I still got a reaming out from a friend who is ill because I wouldn't go 3,000 miles to visit her, but I went 3,000 miles to visit my children( different direction) she was mad that I put my children first, was I wrong or was she? I maintain , my children always come first.




  1. Children always come first, no matter how old they are.  This person doesn't seem like much a friend to be giving a hassle about this. They should be more understanding of your feelings.  Remember though you teach people how to treat you, so be sure to teach them they can't use you for a doormat.

    Good luck.  

  2. its not wrong if you think it's right...your friend was wrong to be mad about that--you didn't give birth to your friend even if she is your BEST friend. She needs to respect that and if sh'es not your friend because of that well then I guess you guys weren't really gonna be friends forever anyway

  3. I think many people are selfish and think they everybody is just sitting and waiting for them to call so they can talk to them or visit them. That is a very good quality to have,putting your children and family first. That is what a real parent's job care for its' family. Don't worry about what others are saying.You are doing the right thing.

    Someone Plz Answer My Question:;...

  4. That's right, your kids are first. They will always be your baby no matter how old they are. She is the one being selfish, not you.....

    Next time, tell her, "let me just drop everything I have to do and come and take care of your sure to tell her you kidding, cause you don't want your friend jealousy to grow....Just a little Joke to make your laugh.  

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