
Why can't people come to a logical conclusion about Global Warming ?

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Without following blindly behind people like Al Gore. And the Green left.




  1. Common Sense is not nearly as common as one might think.

  2. I think people are aware that it is happening.

    The problem is why and how?

    Just like rain and volcanoes. It rains. Volcanoes errupt. We know that. But when, where, why and how is the question.

    Are we causing it? I doubt it.

    Are we contributing to it? I wouldn't doubt it.

  3. I will not go so far and call it illogical, but people should at least come to an informed decision.  The notion that there is scientific consensus on the issue, therefore, there is no need to understand the science is propaganda.  Here is a list of studies in peer review magazines that argue against the theory of man made global warming.

    This article deals with the notion on the so called scientific consensus.

    Look at the concerns of global warming critics, and see if those concerns have been answered by the global warming community. Are they vague ie do they use phrases like "studies have shown this to be false"  without saying why it is false, or this person says it is wrong, without saying why.  Do they use Wikipedia (which is open to anybody to edit it) and the IPCC (which we feel is biased) as a reference.  Is their explanation a theory, or is it backed up by science. Or do they try to explain the science, with evidence and facts to back them up.  (I am talking about the rebuttals to criticism, not he actual theory)  

    Get all of the information, then draw your own conclusion.  At least make it an informed one.

  4. No one knows what Global Warming can do.

    Some say the world will dry up.

    Some say the world will flood.

    Some says there is no Global warming.

    Some don't care.

    The answer to this question is an opinion.

    There is no fact in this dilemma yet.

    Hope this helps

  5. IF you want to prove the opposite, please come up with significant data because currently, the experts (the scientists, not the gas companies) agree that global warming is a fact since through scientific research and not by simply listening to mass media.

  6. Lets see if this helps , The green house that has caused all this hype just ain't there. CO2 first whoever introduced the plants to recycle our sure knew what they were doing . If CO2 is what the environmentalist want u to believe and they didn't measure it that the CO2 level is very high and we are all in danger of being unconscious. Normal oxygen level is 20.9% and the minimal level should be no lower than 19.5% . When it gets that low in a confined space they will pass out. Look at another thing about CO2 . there is 1 atom of C and 2 atoms of oxygen .That would tie up a lot of oxygen if it were true.

        Then there is methane a very light gas so it goes very high in our atmosphere ,How did they measure it ,they didn't.

  7. Its the fear of being unpopular that drives people to go along with the mob.  Take Yahoo management for instance.  They have that dumb wind generator powering a flourescent bulb up on their logo now, and they know that kissups in Yahoo Answers wont even take note of the fact that the bulb goes out when the wind stops and the rotor stops turning.

  8. Because that would mean changing your beliefs....possibly your values.......That person would have to admit to themselves, that they were wrong this whole would mean thinking and work....

    These are things "most" people do not like to do, that's why they take other people's opinions and beliefs, then adopt them as their own (much easier(?)).  

    I don't think so.

    I---like to do my own research; and come to my own conclusion from evidence and varying opinions.  (And only a baboon, could not see that global warming is a fact, and that we are a player on the game board.)  We --humans--do live on earth...ya know..

    *There IS scientific evidence, that shows ---global warming is  happening

    *There is NO debate going around with scientists if global warming is happening

    *There is no scientific evidence (from peer reviewed papers, other information is just hear say) that global warming is false (or not currently happening)

    THE QUESTION is, what part of the ---whole of global warming--- is being caused by humans?  What part are we playing in this and to what extent is our percentage to the whole of global warming?

    Right now, yes, the earth is in another of it's warming trends, but the problem is Co2's keep rising, the temperature is not dropping, like is has in our past; This is The HIGHEST TEMPERATURE INCREASE The EARTH Has Ever Had, and IT IS Not DROPPING, the Co2 levels are THE SAME.

    MY question, to EVERYONE is, ARE YOU WILLING, to help FIX the problem, Or are you GOING to help PERPETUATE the problem????

    YouR decision......make the right one!

    Humanities future depends on it!

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