
Why can't people drive 55?

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Over the past couple of weeks I have been driving almost exactly 55 Mph everywhere I go because it saves on gas. One thing I have noticed, is that I am practicaly the only car on the road that does this. With gas prices increasing at a record speed why aren't people being more econmical with their driving? Are we as Americans so stubborn that even in the face of financial crisis we still have to be the "fastest" car on the road? What do you think?




  1. People CAN drive 55. They don't CHOOSE to. Most of the roads I drive on have speed limits that are between 60 and 70 so there is not a good reason to drive so slowly. Even on roads where the limit is 55 most people drive 5 or 10 mph faster.

    You'd have to drive your car at 55 for a set number of miles (say 50 or 100). Then do the same drive at a higher mph (say 60 or 65) to figure out how much the actual difference is to your car. Then you'd have to incorporate just how much you drive at 55 for, say a week, as opposed to driving in the city or lesser mph roads. I doubt the difference would be much, and it would have to be balanced with the risk that you are taking NOT driving with the flow of traffic. When the mph started going back up, one road around me showed 50% less accidents when the speed limit went from 55 to 65. The higher mileage was safer.

    People not only could drive 55mph, they could also drive 40 mph, or 25 or 1. But how much more quickly would someone get into an accident doing 40 in a 65 mph highway?

    People usually drive faster because of social, employment and family pressures. Tell employers that it shouldn't matter that people come in late. Tell kids they shouldn't bathe themselves in dog poo in the morning so dad or mom has to wash them off before dropping them in daycare making them late for work. Tell the childcare they shouldn't be charging $1 a minute after 5pm since your boss wouldn't let you leave work on time. Tell the pharmacy they should stay open later because there was an hour traffic jam.  Tell your mom you couldn't take her grocery shopping because you had to drive 55 and got into an accident.

    We don't need to drive more or less than 55, we need a teleporter. THAT would save on gas.

    Or, you could walk...

  2. People complain a lot about gas prices - but  gas in the U.S. is still cheap compared to countries in Europe. -  Many people feel that it is more important for them to get to their destination a few minutes quicker even if it means they have to fill up more often.

  3. It's not that I can't slow down, but it's actually more dangerous to drive slower than the flow of traffic.

    Also, bad habits die hard.  It will take a lot more than 4/gal gas to get people to slow down.  We are a country of speeders and fast cars.  I think every one will eventually get the hint and slow down.

    Also, we are a right here, right now type of people.  So we leave and rush to get everywhere, so slowing down isn't always an option.

  4. How do you know you are the only car on the road doing 55?

    The other people going 55 are either in front of you or behind you.  You aren't catching them and they aren't catching you.

  5. Driving slower than the flow of traffic is dangerous.  The roads are designed for about 70 to 80 mph.

    What we need to do is develop alternative sources of energy so that we are not dependent on foreign countries.

    In the last 40 years (1969-2009), the Repulicans have occupied the White House for 28 of those years, but they have done nothing to advance the cause of energy independence.

  6. I've learned to slow down (but unfortunately due to a few traffic violations rather than gas mileage) and I think most people don't want to do it because it can be irritating. Like the first person said we are here and now people and sometimes taking our time just isn't fast enough. Soon enough I think a good amount of people will learn to slow down.

  7. it's not that some people can drive 55 it's the reason some do (like yourself) and some don't, it's that there is a plus side for driving 55 and a minus.

    Yes you're right doing the speed limit (55) does save gas, but in the long run driving (55) over a period of let's say 5 years does take it's toll on either  carb. or spray jets ( fuel injection) cars.

    Driving 55 in a period of 5 years will cause carbon to build up in the intake manifold and in and around the carburetor by having a dirty carb. will cause the engine to sputter some times but not all the times same way with a fuel injection engine.

    So in the long run who is really saving gas you or the ones who drive 60-65 (providing they don't get caught)  and the are not doing it to prove how fast they go but they do it so that carbon does not build up in either their carburetor or fuel injection.  And having a dirty carb. or injector will and can cause an engine to work harder there for using more fuel.

    But if you want to continue driving (Miss Daisy) go to your local auto parts store (pep boys, auto zone, etc) and get yourself a bottle of complete fuel system cleaner(concentrated) don't put it in your fuel tank till you are almost out of gas then pour the whole bottle in the tank and the fill the tank with at least 20 gallons of gas this will keep your entire fuel system clean and your car or truck running almost like new.

  8. I am just like you when it comes to driving habits. People are just ignorant of the gas prices. "Time is money." They would rather save time than save gas to get to their destination sooner.

  9. When I drive my VW Bus, I keep it at 55, but mostly take the old two lane roads and stay off the freeway. Too many crazies out there.

    Europeans pay more because they're getting fleeced by taxes to pay for all of their social programs. (Hey, Obama supporters, better take notes on this). If you remove the taxes, I'll bet they'd pay roughly the same for their 'petrol'.

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