
Why can't people just accept that abortion is never going to be abolished instead of protesting against it?

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Lets face it, its never going to disappear and I wouldn't want it to either. If you are against it, don't have one then, but I don't think it is right to preach to other people about how 'wrong' it is.




  1. its a small thing called hope sweetie...

  2. Because people think they can change things by protesting.  Some of the protesters probably carry around guilt (they have had one) and think by trying to stop someone else they are saving another person's life and they think it will stop them from the guilt they feel themselves for a decision they made themselves.  It could also be an ego thing, "let me save the world", let me feed my ego by protesting.   I agree with you about acceptance.

  3. When it comes to a women with a deadly disease and or has been severely raped I'm all for it. However, when someone just spreads their legs for the h**l of it; without preventatives; finds out they're pregnant and yanks it out - that I am not all for.

  4. People in a civilised society (i.e. outside of Y!A/GWS) are entitled to freedom of speech.

    EDIT:  Pardon me if this is construed as chatter, but just how many terminations of pregnancy have you witnessed or how man such have you witnessed performed by a neighborhood butcher only to watch the woman die as she succumbs to sepsis as a consequence of rupture of the uterus/peritonitis?

  5. I also support a woman's right to choose, but you're making a poor argument here.

    Essentially, you're saying that if abortion doesn't directly affect you and is never going to disappear, then there's no sense in making it illegal.

    Okay, let's apply that philosophy to other activities that ARE illegal.

    How about mass genocides halfway around the world? And a string of burglaries in your county? A meth lab in your neighborhood? None of them affects you directly; murder, theft, and drugs are never going to disappear.

    See my point? There are lots of solid defenses for keeping abortion legal, but yours is not one of them.

  6. some people just don't know when to give up a silly lost cause. often times their religious beliefs have poisoned their ability to think rationally.

  7. If you saw someone cut up there own child why would you not protest it?

    If you saw someone being hurt by a rapist would you just stand there because rape will never go away?

    What about drunk drivers? Should we leave them alone because driving under the influence will never go away.

  8. People don't have to keep their mouth shut when something wrong is going on.  Can you accept that or, is it that you "can't"?

  9. When there are people who don't like what ever it is that others are doing they will find ways to change it whether it applies or appeals to them or not.

  10. What's WRONG with abortion is that you are killing an unborn child.    Let me make an analogy.  If someone said to you today, "We want to kill you today, but you have a choice on whether or not we do it," what would YOUR choice be?   Well, that child doesn't have any choice of whether it's going to live or die.  Someone just aborts it, and that's that.  Say what you want to about the child not being a real human, and life doesn't start at conception, etc.  Those are just excuses to kill a human life.  Those are just words.  They are not flesh and blood.  So, to answer your question as to WHY some people won't accept abortion -- the answer is that if they can save even ONE fetus, one baby, one child, then their efforts have been well worth it.  No, I'm not a holy roller, or bush beater for abortion, but you struck a nerve with me with your question, and I just had to answer it.

  11. Sorry, this is a good cause; abortion takes life.

    If someone does not want a baby. They should give him or her up for adoption. If the adoption is not acceptable, they should be more careful not to get pregnant.

    The old cliché is you would not be here if your mother believed in abortion is so true.

    (I am not referring to you personally)

    You asked.

  12. Womens rights and abortion will come and go depending on how high or low of a birth rate we need.

  13. last time i checked this was a democracy... and we as citizens have the right to peaceful protest.

  14. I dont want to abolish abortion.  Abortion is a medical necessity in many cases and a ethical necesity in some cases.

    I want to aboish unquestionable right to terminate a human life based on the whim or fancy or convenience of biological parent(s)

    Its not a woman's body issue.  Its the subject matter of the life of a human "being" and termination should be totally under the scrutiny of the judicial system.

  15. Slavery was protested against just like abortion is and it was abolished. If people didn't do the right thing and protest, what kind of shape do you think our country would be in today?

  16. Some people will keep fighting and it's a free world.

    Abortion can never be stopped and nor should it be(even though it saddens me for personal reasons, sometimes life's just that way & I have to accept it) and  neither will people be prevented from taking a chance and speaking out against it.

    That's just the way the world is and some pro-choicers preach themselves.  It can happen on either side of the fence.

    Who's preaching?

    While it makes me uneasy, legal abortion is better than that poor soul who had a backyard abortion 6 months into her pregnancy and she died too.  She must have been desperate.  It was very sad for both mother and baby(who would have been viable).

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