
Why can't people just say thank you when they give you best answer? ?

by  |  earlier

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I have noticed that more and more people are giving 5 stars and then .

As their feedback. Why can't you just say thanks or thank you even ty would be nice! I think its kind of rude to just put . and give the person 5 starts for their answer! Okay I can understand if you gave one star and didn't really like their answer but don't give them 5 stars and not say thank you. What do you think?




  1. I'll do you one better; I don't even like "thank you" as an answer.  Certainly, thank you is much better than . but I put a lot of thought into these answers and I want more feedback than that.  I want to know what made my answer stand out and, if applicable, which parts they agreed with.

    EDIT:  I do think part of the problem is that they have to wait so long to choose best answer.  If I could pick best answer 1 hour after I posted my question (which is when you get 90% of most answers, anyway).  I'd have much more relative feedback to give.  WHen I have to do it the next day, the spirit is out of it.

  2. You have to understand that the people that do that are not all brain developed quite yet. So one day their brain fully develops then they will say thank you, that is if you didn't give an attitude answer.  

  3. I agree. Unfortunately, in this day and age, common courtesy is not so common. Our society has become very matter-of-fact. It really bothers me how few people say, "please," "thank you," and "excuse me" anymore. Old fashioned values, which I consider very important, apparently aren't very popular these days.

  4. I LOVE giving feedback!

  5. I know what you mean, it doesn't take much to be polite.

  6. I have noticed how rude people have gotten on here but i dont care about their thank you's anymore. Im in it for the points after that i really could care less about them and what they do UNLESS, they are very nice and considerate and then i love to hear the outcomes of my answers and usually add them to my contacts.

  7. i understand!..

    and on every best answer i give, i always try to say thanks or thank you!..

  8. Thank you for bringing this to my attention.  I have had a few best answers, but was unaware that I had the capability to reply to them, otherwise I would have done so.

    I will look next time to see how this works.

    Thank you

  9. i also give feed back to people  i say thank you and usually something else nice!

  10. I like to see some sort of comment if I get best answer but what really bugs me is when they don't pick best answer and let it go to the voters.  I think that's rude, especially when someone takes the time to give a truly helpful answer.  

  11. i always write thank you.....

  12. I know why... because people are rude selfish mother%*^$'s who have no sense of *&%^en decency and really need to learn the &*%^en finer aspects of life!  *ssholes like that make me want to *%& d**n toss up!  

    I’d like to personally thank you for bringing this to my attention.

    I will maintain my dignity and professionalism while communicating to others!

    Thanks again!

  13. I completely understand! I stayed away from this site for a long time because some people just seem to be very self centered and ungrateful. Both the question askers, and question answerers. I wondered why I never heard anything anymore about questions I asked or answered, and realized that I had my secondary email address and my primary emails addresses mixed up. I never received any notifications about my questions or answers!! Ooops my mistakes. But, through the world, we just have to learn how to handle the great people, and the not so great people. I hope it is one of the lessons in life that makes us all better people!! Good Luck and dont take it personally!! xo

  14. I don't think it's a big enough deal to worry about.

    Yes, it's nice when they thank you, and even nice when they say more (like when they say that your suggestion worked, or they explain why they chose you, or other comments).

    Clearly, they bothered to choose at all, and even gave you maximum stars.

    Take that as your thank you.

  15. I agree...I've seen this before although I've never had someone NOT leave me a comment when I got best answer.  I think it IS fair to say that the majority usually will post something.   I always at least say "thanks" even if there's nothing left to say.

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