
Why can't people leave Gary Glitter alone? He has paid his debt to society and his career is finished.?

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Why do the red-top newspapers have to be so vicious towards him? It is pure spite.

I say let him enjoy the time he has left.




  1. because he is a paedophile just because he has served a few years inside doesn't make it alright.  The victims have to live with it forever and so should he!!!!

  2. Paid his debt to society?

    Go talk to a child who has been abused, ask them if they think a couple of years in jail is punishment enough.

    He should die a slow, painful death, and you are an idiot.

  3. how has he paid his debt he is worth over £5 million and makes £150000 a year in royalty's.

    and people buy the papers and read the story's so it makes the papers money

  4. because as a parent of young children i want to know where people like him are at so i can keep my children as safe as i possibly can

    once a kiddy fiddler always a kiddy fiddler and i want to know where he is

  5. of course it's pure spite. he's a paedophile. not just a paedophile, a 70's celebrity paedophile. he deserves whatever he gets, a mon avis. it's people like him who are the scum of the earth.

  6. Because he put his willy in small children?

  7. yes your right people should leave Gary Glitter alone the guy has learnt his lesson he knows hes done wrong people should just leave him be like you said let him enjoy the time he has left

  8. "Paid his debt"?  How?

    He did complete his time in jail demanded as a punishment for his crime, but how does that pay a debt?  What kind of debt did he run up with society?  How does his being incarcerated fix what he did to those children?

    Jail time is meant as a punishment, incentive to not do things counter to society's needs and laws.  It doesn't put things right.  It doesn't "repay a debt".  Convicted felons have a permanent record for a reason.  Would you be happy if a convicted murderer moved in next door to you?  But, if he's "paid his debt", then it's okay, right?

  9. What about the young girls he abused, does that mean they should be over it now as he has served his time?

    What a tw@t!!

  10. you are so ignorant!

    He abused like 11 and 12 year old girls (I'M A 12 YEAR OLD GIRL) he deserves to go to jail for ever and be castrated he deserves it!

    He should watch the film Hard Candy!

  11. The red tops are published by perverts and read by perverts - what do you expect them to report?  The only way of ending their power is to stop buying the rubbish.

  12. Being in jail doesn't suddenly cure someone of their 'sickness'.  He needs to be watched and monitored the same as any other paedophile.  Would you have the same sympathy if you knew there was a paedophile living next to you who wasn't a celebrity, even if he had spent time in jail.  No, you'd be weary and you'd keep an eye on them the same as everyone else would.

    His career may be over but there's already talk that he'll write an auto-biography.  Do you think that's fair, that he'll make even more money writing about his life and taking advantage of the fact that he has this infamous status and knows that despite what he's done some people will pay the money for the book.

    I think the papers take things to far sometimes, but then they are just out to make the money.  But given what he's done I don't think what their saying is unreasonable and could be described as spite.  The truth may hurt but don't forget he is a PAEDOPHILE.

  13. What planet are you on? Hes a sick peodophile who is a danger to children, he has not changed.

  14. Because they make money out of it. Since the McCann stories dried up Gary Glitter is their new source of income.

  15. I agree and they weren't even small kids the girls were 14 probably pretending to be 18. Let it lie now.

  16. This man makes me feel sick just to look at his ugly face  those poor kids have a lifetime of h**l.  You are an absolute t**t.  I hope you dont have kids what sympathy they would have from you. He is arrogant  & Brazion & needs castrating  with two bricks. I hope some one catches up with him & does away with him. People that stand up for are no better than him if you know what i mean.

  17. He should not be left alone, once a pedo always a pedo.  He still has questions to answer. He was a brilliant artiste but now a sad, dirty old man

  18. Who the heck is Gary Glitter

  19. Because he is a disgusting pervert and he should be killed actually.

    What about the poor kiddies he abused? I guess they can just get over yeah? I guess it doesn't matter now he's "paid his debt to society"??

    Your pathetic if you think everyone should "just leave him alone" .

    HE IS A VILE paedophile and should be hanged


  20. If you were a parent you would not leave it alone... he will NEVER repay  for what he took away.

  21. What about the kids he abused? How much of their time are they not enjoying because of him?

    Kiddie fiddlers don't deserve forgiveness.

  22. He shows no remorse for his crimes,they will haunt his victims forever.

    I used to be a big fan of his,he thinks his crimes are funny and unimportant, if he showed some sort of regret,maybe he would get left alone,imagine you were a victim,would you be so quick to forgive?.

  23. peado,you all stick together

  24. Because he is still a threat to children, both boys and girls.

    Where have you been for the last month?

  25. Write to his fan club, if it still exists, maybe you could join him

  26. he is a paedophile and as children are his sexual preference he will always be a dangerous individual.  I say lock him up and castrate him.

  27. He's a convicted paedophile interested in abusing children and viewing media of children being abused. Would you want him living near you and your family?

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